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Everything posted by starship_troopers

  1. at least i think. if someone could double check this on the website i would appriciate it...its http://www.verizonwireless.com
  2. nah, the premium one is the one with unlimited data. unmimited mobile web, downloading, all that crap...and i used it for about maybe 2 and a half hours...and i acutally like the typing on it...at least in QWERTY mode..i cant type for shit on quicktype...never have been able to.
  3. well due to some minor money issues because of a screw up with a certain bank...cough cough commerce....i have to wait for 2 more weeks to get the phone..but yes im getting the storm...not sure what it is..but i played on one last night and it was awesome...i just got attached to it...not sure why....lol and then i went back to my razr v3c ....ewwwww...lol but yeh. so if i get the premium plan from verizon...with like unlimited mobile web, messaging, etc. thats all i need for the storm right?? someone i talked to yesterday said that since its a blackberry phone like that i would have to get extra stuff and pay for it all each month...how does that work...is just getting the premium plan with all that stuff included fine? or do i have to get like a smart phone package or something??
  4. whats up shug, havent seen you on here in a while. yeah, im looking into other phones, but i dont want the bold...and the dare seems kinda crappy....idk... depends on if i get a discount or not for certain things...(company i work for sometimes managers get a discount)
  5. yeah thats what i meant by i didnt watn the dare anymore. and the omnia...i dont want windows mobile... and im sure that the OS is alright...if i can live with palm OS for 3 years then i think i can handle this... but the Bold...yeh that looks really nice and stuff..i just dont know if i want a phone that has an external keyboard...
  6. ive watched the cnet reviews and stuff..and yeh the accelerometer is slow...and the interface isnt as fast as it could be...but im wanting it for basically what all the pros are on it...the cons arent really anything i care about...at least wahts listed on evey review i've read.... and the tactile response for the screen is a good idea in my mind...i've touched one and played on a display model before, but never USED one. so...what other touch screen phones that can do mobile web, email, and all that for the premium plan at verizon are good? just trying to get info
  7. Hopefully next wed. i am going to go cancel my alltel account and start up a verizon premium plan...even though i hate contracts...but hey its a much better deal for about the same price as my alltel plan....and i was thinking of getting the LG dare...but i think that i should get the blackberry storm now...any reviews on this that you can personally give?
  8. i think it was the stereo mix setting...and the wave sewtting in my audio options...because i muted them and still get perfect audio and now i get great microphone functionality....not sure but it may have been a combo of that and the 5.1
  9. WOW....I think i got it. i turned off everything in all my settings under the input settings....and freakin started testing out some tweaks in my realtek hd audio manager and it seems to work, when im in game tomorrow i'll test it out for sure, but it seems ok in everything else
  10. i just plugged my speakers back in. but yes tonight i am going to try it. will post results soon as i try
  11. You think its because i had my realtek hd audio manager set to headphones and my control panel sound settings on 5.1 surround sound? ideas at all maybe?
  12. i would have but only other systems i have are laptops, and one is on the fritz (know whats wrong, too lazy to fix), and one is so slow i dont want to wait the full time to work with it because i also have to find a new charger cord for it.
  13. nah this one is one that plugs into the 3.5mm jack or watever. not sure if i should get a usb one. its mainly for cod 2 and cod 5 when it comes out in november
  14. ok, will drop the 40 bucks for them sometime soon. probably by weekend. but that makes me mad that i cant figure out a simple headset
  15. any suggestions please? what if i took them back and got a logitech pair...i mean i have logitech 5.1 surround sound and they work perfectly.
  16. maybe you need new drivers, if your monitor goes black, and stops....
  17. so...I'm not sure here, but to me it sounds like its holding up on what i say and repeating it and getting louder and louder and then gurgling and fading. but why has yet to be solved
  18. i built this computer so i didnt think about anything liek that. and it says cyber acoustics HS-600 but when i google it, it comes up with creative labs headsets....
  19. not sure. i know what you are talking about but i never thought of anything like that.
  20. Ok, well i bought a cyber acoustics headset and when i try to game on call of duty 2 its all static...and when i test hardware on the control panel in sound options it records fine, but kidn of low even though all my microphone settings are at highest...but when i test the live playback it like glitches i guess...when i say test it will be like TEST TEST TESTTESTTESTtesttest te t test tsst. then fade out....no matter what i try...any ideas?
  21. after reading some of this, im glad i missed part of it... i'd surely be getting PM's from the mods :2funny: JK
  22. hahaa how did you get pictures of my woodies? :2funny:
  23. i always make jokes out of situations, makes the day go by better, with less stress mostly. so yeah i get where you come from. glad we can laugh without offending anyone also :grin: and nice use of my sig. lol glad to have people here that can take a joke. yet another thing about this site that has people coming back for more
  24. what can i say shug, you must have influenced me :icon_thumleft:
  25. :2funny: might want to rephrase that....
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