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Everything posted by starship_troopers

  1. correct. or you can push ctrl and the plus or minus keys to make it bigger or smaller
  2. Ubuntu is ok. I traded it in for Mandriva 2008. love it. it works with all the compiz fusion effects on my older acer laptop without a hitch...dual booted with xp media center. and other than that i'd have to reccomend opensuse. its awesome also. those are the only three i've tried.
  3. :haha: i know the feeling
  4. You ever tried SIW? (system information for windows) ...its' pretty cool and no install required...i've not used pc wizard so i cant compare the two.
  5. if i got vista i'd go with this though most likely...home premium seems good enough.
  6. true....but why would a pretty much non hardcore machine need 4gb of ram? two is enough....maybe 3...or 2.5....either way 4 is pretty much more than will be used in this particular pc.
  7. lol its cool tommie. i do that alot. and go back and am like...wait who took my link out and thats a nice lookin site tommie
  8. some where lol tommie? i se no link...or am i dumb... and i beleive his daughter is 10....i think i read that somewhere on a post he made about an ipod...
  9. http://www.hallmarksoftware.com/special_hse/default.aspx?gclid=CPWriYqC4ZICFQPHPAodGldNeg Not sure if this is what you want...but this is a start i think.
  10. as soon as i get through some stuff thats happening right now....i'm going to start back folding...try to get some more points...but untill then my pc isnt on long enugh to fold anything...so....
  11. thanks man. best to luck with you too. patience is a virtue.
  12. btw, im sorry ApAwNgOd that you cant get shit... im going to marry my fiancee and i couldnt even think about anyone else. ever.
  13. this is the main part of that post i agree on.
  14. well...im not going to try to start a debate on it..but im not into that kind of thing...but you know what...if someone else is, more power to them..im not going to discriminate them for it...
  15. Nope.. He was born as a woman. And had a transgender operation. Took testosterone and changed name to Thomas. He is actually a She. edit. although legally in the state of his residence, He is a male.
  16. oh damn. sorry dude. i didnt see that one. i'll research it a little.
  17. yes i did. but he wasnt pregnant. It was a rare medical condition where he had a twin...but the fetus got trapped. It turns into a parasite almost as it leeches blood and nutrients from the host....
  18. DUDE....i thought you wasnt going to tell anyone about that
  19. yeah. because out of all of us guys you use makeup to the best extent possible :2funny:
  20. you really want me to upload my photos?
  21. dont worry mudman. i did the same
  22. No problem. just a lucky guess.
  23. i like the america the beautiful theme...i have used it since it was introduced.
  24. http://windizupdate.com/ Is this it? windowsupdate.62nds.com/
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