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Everything posted by ianonline

  1. okay.. so where were we?
  2. Smart BRO PREPAID, the newest Smart Bro broadband internet service that allows you to surf the net anywhere there
  3. i saw it too, yet i have a big feeling that someone out there has some programs/software that can set the aggregate to a much bigger value. its like when smart bought the canopy from the manufacturer they had pre-programmed it to 1Mbps. having said that, then there is still the possibility to reprogram it. i think prizm has something to do with this. coz as i read the manual of prizm it has the option to change values. i just need confirmation and further details with regards to this particular matter.
  4. i checked it out and but it's no longer there...
  5. just sharing..
  6. ohh a typo on my year of birth . hehe anyways im 20. so wheres are my cookies?
  7. every now and then i hear news about kids being eaten by crocodiles. i also have heard kids are being eaten in japan too.. not really kids but fetuses. have you heard bout it too? placenta as side dish.. gross.
  8. what an adventure. but i don't think its a good idea.
  9. It was mentioned in some thread but was never given a really in-depth articulation. so i guess there is a need to start a new thread focusing on the possibility of modifying the speed aggregate set by Smartbro in our canopy, from 1Mbps to 7Mbps or better. so to those people who have any idea how to do such tweak, are surely welcome. Any contributions will surely be appreciated by people such as me who are really desperate in maximizing the speed we have with our current smartbro subscription . so im asking the experts to help us. btw. i have upgraded my canopy software version to 8.2.2 (the latest) and i am using a Canopy Lite 5.7 GHZ . thanks...
  10. exactly.. advance user such as you mr CB. nice to have you around..
  11. ei cb, i just recently downloaded the manual you said, upon assessment i find it very thorough. but as i continue reading i was saying to myself this is too much. it talks about setting up your own networks of canopy which i believe is not really the purpose of people reading this post. having said that i suggest you guys to check on the SUBSCRIBER MODULE MANUAL i posted earlier for it specifically focuses about subscriber module and its functions and stuff. but if you are one of those nerdy techie type of person who got plans to break in to the Access Point / cell sites or got plans to set up their own AP so they can have thousands of bandwidth. then i advise you to read CB's post for it surely will help you. very detailed... its like more than 500 pages. but if your just into definition, normal settings, orientation about the canopy page (Subscriber Module) then i strongly suggest the manual i posted. http://www.adaptivevideoproducts.com/pdf/SubscriberModuleManual.pdf happy easter!
  12. i go for retail.
  13. my dear brothers , im the youngest member here .. so it means i get the advantage of having all the cookies . mommy i want all the cookies... bleehh
  14. hehe.. its just a word! lol
  15. can i have some whooping thousand Kbps too? direct me where to go. tnx this is my download and my upload you notice my upload is kinda almost half of my download.. any help will be appreciated. tnx
  16. thanks mom..
  17. the last time i checked i had one star. now i got two. hehehe. weee im looking forward for more stars. im like a kid in some prep school wanting more stars.. hehe
  18. @coolbuster http://rapidshare.com/files/100628597/Canopy_User_Guide.pdf had to modify the link.. it was originally http://http//rapidshare.com/files/100628597/Canopy_User_Guide.pdf removed the 2nd http and the 2 slash. enjoy. wasnt able to open it coz rapid share said that i had exceeded blah blah. some people sharing MY static smartbro address must have downloaded something else. i'll check on it later.
  19. hey, i was able to learn plenty of interesting lessons here. I'm a new member but definitely I'm not new in to this site. Actually I had it on my bookmarks already, and not only until few days back i decided to become a member. I usually access the page that talks about Smartbro. I really find the posts very informative. After years of reading about Smartbro and networking (here and from other forums) i can say i got decent knowledge when it comes to this field. so i might as well offer what i know to the rest of the community so keep your questions coming. I know its off topic, but I'm also into the medical fields, so you can just like ask me questions about health , psychiatry , and psychology ... thank you and im glad to be here! ian/Cebu
  20. if you are one of those people who likes to explore and gain access to the canopy page in hopes to speed up ones Smartbro connection, i think its better for you to read this manual in order to better understand each options, fields, and terms presented in the canopy page... it presents a very in-depth explanations on each field and function. so give it a try... http://www.adaptivevideoproducts.com/pdf/SubscriberModuleManual.pdf the version of the manual is kinda old but in general it uses the same terms that are currently in the latest version of canopy page. so check it out.. and tell me what you think! i'm new to this forum but i consider myself an adept when it comes to networking and specially smartbro to think i have 3 active accounts in smartbro all with reliable connection and speed..... hehe.. added bonus you can also ask questions about health and medicines coz its my line of field as well. im looking forward to hear from you guys! thanks:)
  21. this is my first post ever in this forum. i just recently upgraded my canopy... now my next stop is to upgrade my canopy boot to version 3. any help would be appreciated. thanks.. pm me po..
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