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Posts posted by TriRan

  1. Someone from FairPoint called me today, and when I told him how I had gotten it to work, he said they would send me a different modem, a newer model. I will wait to see what happens with that.

    good deal! let us know how it works.

    ~ TriRan

  2. That actually won't work anymore.

    but it did work at one time yes? just because its fixed doesn't mean it wasn't a virus :P

    Very curious what you feel cannot be done on a mac that you can on windows box ?

    computer gaming :P (you didn't think i had the computer listed below for giggles and benchmarks did you?)

  3. :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:

    Mac's don't have to defend against any viruses because at this time there are no known viruses in the wild for OS X but if there was since OS X is based on the Unix permission system it would fend just fine. I wouldn't exactly call the GUI enhanced since they are going for a Web 2.0 look the goal is to simplify everything not enhance.

    And if it makes you sleep better at night, you go right ahead and keep on thinking windows is better for design and animation.

    btw i agree with you 99% and i love the mac OS its just not feasable for me considering what i use my desktops for.

    not saying this is really a huge threat but it exists none the less :P

    A new backdoor Trojan virus that targets Mac OS X has emerged, Sophos reports. Interestingly, the new virus, which is called BlackHole RAT (or OSX/MusMinim-A in virus definition speak), is a variant of the 'legitimate' Windows Trojan DarkComet-RAT.

    Fortunately, the virus doesn't seem to be very malicious. It allows a remote controller to reboot or shutdown an infected computer, or pop up a fake 'Administrator Password' box that can be used to phish a user's password -- but for the most part, it actually seems to be a proof of concept; a warning to Mac users that their OS can be infected.

    One of BlackHole RAT's functions pops open a full-screen dialog with only a 'reboot' button, and the following, vaguely sociopathic message:

    "I am a Trojan Horse, so i have infected your Mac Computer. I know, most people think Macs can't be infected, but look, you ARE Infected!

    I have full controll over your Computer and i can do everything I want, and you can do nothing to prevent it.

    So, Im a very new Virus, under Development, so there will be much more functions when im finished."

    You kind of expect 'muhahaha!!1' to be at the end.

    As for how the virus is distributed, it is probably via the usual channels: pirate downloads, or vulnerable browser plug-ins. Sophos notes that its Anti-Virus for Mac Home Edition, which is a free download, identifies and removes the virus. You should probably run it, just to make sure you're not infected.



    i also found this which i thought was an interesting read... more so the comments then anything but still interesting


  4. haha sorry sorry!

    i was transferring 3 12GB files cross network at about a 30MB/s avg which i think was more limited by the hard drives than anything (only running single 7200RPM drives non raid)

    i was more then satisfied with the cheap Gbit switches i purchased :P not to mention the router i'm using handled all the requests it's the DHCP server and central link between my Gbit switches

    i did experience a internet slowdown but when i started the test my brother was still awake and streaming netflix on his xbox so thats what i chalk that up to

    edit: you know i was curious as i was writing this what the max write/read speeds of my HDD was and it turns out maybe i was maxing the switches/router out i was doing around 97MB/s total when they have a max potential 128MB/s

    my HDD's max speeds were

    Transfer Rate: 52.688 MB/s (write)

    Transfer Rate: 286.353 MB/s (read)

  5. so recently i've been upgrading more of my network to gigabit and i've been stress testing it on in off in conjunction with stress testing my router

    tonight i transferred multiple 12GB files cross network from machines while testing here to see if i got any network slowdowns and tweaking settings ( because thats just who i am >.> a tweaker) that sounds so bad hah anyways if you see my last string of tests i didn't experience any internet slowdowns while transferring those large files acrossed my network i think i'm finally satisfied with my LAN for now :P tomorrow that will probably change



    also not to bad for a pc on wifi eh? my upload needs some tweaking but the downstream is solid

  6. also you might check to see if the network adapter is set at half duplex mode which would severely limit your downloading speed lol, when i first got cox 50Mbit one of my pc's wouldn't download past 14Mbps and i couldn't figure out why, turns out it was set at half duplex

  7. Lol no its cool don't trouble yourself with it. I just thought you'd want to know about the bug :) and yes I ran a couple tests with my phone tethered I figured that's probably what it was lol

  8. Problem solved! :D Before buying a new modem, I decided to try one more thing. The network cable FairPoint sent me has a Y on the end, so it can be connected either into a network card or usb port. Their instructions said to use the network card rather than the usb, if one was available, so that is what I did. I know the net cards on both the desktop and laptop computers work, because I frequently use them to transfer files back and forth.

    I tried connecting the modem through the usb port and then the email worked and the web pages stopped hanging. I reconnected it through the RJ45 and was back to the same problems. Although I had done it before, I tried a different network cable that I knew was good, and again had problems.

    Now I think there must be some incompatibility between the modem and both of my network cards. Both computers are running Linux, so I don't know if there is some issue with the drivers that they will work with my router but not the DSL modem. Anyway, everything looks good when I connect through the usb, so that is what I will do.

    Thanks again to everyone for helping me to troubleshoot this. I hope this discussion may be able to help someone else with similar problems.

    I'm glad you solved it. You might try a different modem In the future if you want to get away from that usb connection. Something sounds fishy about that whole setuo

  9. i was doing some tests tonight while making some changes to local network and noticed that my ISP is listed as verizon wireless on the non mobile test page


  10. i too have ubuntu...and love it...i'm not sure which one i have tho...i sometimes get that "connecting" to whatever website deal you talked about...doubt it has anything to do with our os but what a coincidence that we both get that and we both have ubuntu...sometimes it just times out

    i learned how to use linux on ubuntu :P

  11. I had the same issue with my 50/5 service with that cisco modem it was forced on me by the isp to troubleshoot modem issues I couldn't break 25 down when I switched back to my sb6120 and instantly got 55 down to this site, with the cisco modem it showed I was getting 60 down local only

  12. :::.. Combined Test Results ..:::

    Download Connection is:: 57120 Kbps about 57.1 Mbps (tested with 50 MB)

    Download Speed is:: 7140 kB/s or 7.1 MB/s

    Upload Connection is:: 5871 Kbps about 5.9 Mbps (tested with 2.9 MB)

    Upload Speed is:: 734 kB/s

    Tested From:: https://testmy.net (Dallas, TX USA)

    Test Time:: 2011-08-04 23:27:12 Local Time

    Validation:: https://testmy.net/db/YegCjzN.MRQteaV

    User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/534.30 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/12.0.742.122 Safari/534.30 [!]

    Not to shabby over wifi eh? :P and i also have a thunderbolt i have yet to tether it to see what the 4G network can really do but this is what i get on the phones browser


    it seems thats about the max the phones web browser will allow cause over wifi on my home connection i can't break 12-14Mbps

    edit: i may need to find a better radio/kernal combo i was only able to do about 5Mbps tether'd so i'll have to try some other radio's out for it... maybe on my next day off haha

  13. as a past DSL user i have a fair amount of experience with DSL modems, it sounds like it's a bad line to me. i've had issues like this with my DSL before and it was due to having a filter go bad or the line going bad. unfortunately they bury most phone lines now so it could be hard for them to change it depending on where the tap is... having a tech out is the best thing you can do At the moment hopfully they will see the issues when they test the line

    the only other thing it could possibly be is the modem, at least that i can think of... and thank God your running a flavor of linux :P that rules out about 10,000 possibile things it could be

    ~ Triran

  14. It could very well be incorrect mtu, rwin or. Other incorrect settings i've personally had issues like that where the network adapter was set at. Half duplex 10Mbit. Max and speedtest.net didn't detect it but testmy.net picked it up right away even a web browser could be the issue I can't max my connection with firefox but with chrome I don't have any issues

    So yeah a few more particulars about your situation and we'll do our best to help you diagnose your problem

    Btw sorry for any spelling or typing errors I typed it on my android ha

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