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HubCity last won the day on April 20 2019

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About HubCity

  • Birthday January 1

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    Texas, USA

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  1. Just ran both versions. Both were in the 70-75 range. Then ran each again and similar results in the 70-75 range. This is what I've been getting for months as I mentioned in earlier post, so both seem to report about the same now. The few I got at 100 was nice but perhaps was not real.
  2. Just tried the old test twice and only got 70-80 Mbps, so something is different ? Then I did another of the new test and got 78 Mbps ??? strange.....
  3. I'll just add my 2 cents here also. About a year ago, a lighting hit took out my mother board ethernet port. I used to get consistent 100 Mbps speeds to Dallas, with multi thread off. I purchased a cheap Gigabit PCI Express card from TP-Link and the best it would give me was around 70 Mbps. I just assumed it was not as good as my now fried MB port, but at least I was back on-online. I haven't tested my speed for maybe a week or so and noticed the new interface (looks good). Now I'm getting again consistent 100 Mbps speeds again. Don't know if it was the changes you made or perhaps my ISP finally fixed the poor node in my neighborhood. I've always had problems bonding to 4 good channels with my modem and would usually need to reset it 3-4 times to get good channels, but even then the best I would get was around 70 Mbps. What ever changed to get me back to 100 Mbps is great. Keep up the good work.
  4. Wow, some people have no clue, blaming you for their ISP speed issues, unbelievable....
  5. I have the same problem on testmy.net. I used to get good results of 80 to 100 Mbps, but over the past few weeks I only get around 43 Mbps. Other sites give me around 80-100 now, but no longer this one. Not sure what gives, always use the same nearby server at Dallas. Something is not right here anymore. Download :: 40.7 Mbps 5.1 MB/s My Speed :: 40.7 Mbps 6% slower than my average US 43.4 Mbps 32% slower than my host average 60 Mbps 40% slower than my city average 67.3 Mbps 28% faster than the US average 31.9 Mbps 40% faster than Index Speed 29.1 Mbps Your speed had a 2% middle variance TiP Summary - Minimum :: 33.67 Mbps | Middle :: 41.52 Mbps | Maximum :: 42.61 Mbps
  6. I'm so tired of companies that have monopolies and there seems to be nothing we can do about it. Altice hit us again with nearly a 20% increase for cable services. Now will be paying $152 for basic cable TV, 50Mbit internet and phone service. All the horror stories about this company jacking up pricing have come true. Suddenlink employees I have spoken too hate Altice (say so when not being recorded). Suddenlink was a friendly family owned business with reasonable pricing and outstanding service at one time, but no more. There is no comparable service here in the Abilene, TX area to switch too, so either we suck up the cost or discontinue the services. When I lived in Colorado and had Comcast, the city had regulatory control over them and had to approve their pricing increases which kept them reasonable. Here, the city elders could care less and the same for state representatives. p.s. the above link to the article on Altice has disappeared, can no long find it.
  7. Well, I found out why Suddenlink pricing and services have been going to hell over the past couple of years. Didn't know that Altice bought them out. Read this article for an eye opener. Altice buys Suddenlink In the process of submitting a complaint to the BBB for such bad service, billing errors and constant increases with no basis.
  8. My past experience with AT&T is that I will never use them again for internet and happy so far with my cable provider. However, that is not the answer you are looking for.... Its possible they have added new customers and you may have a long copper wire loop degrading your service. That is what happened to me a few years ago. After numerous complaints, a smart tech finally found the wire loop (which added over a mile of wire) and cut it and spliced it to a much shorter path to the D-Slam, which was only 100 ft. from my house, thereby resolving my issues. Good luck.
  9. I hate it when I go to a site and a video starts playing and I can't shut it off....grrrr. So most of the time I run with Flash disabled. Only if there is a video I want to see, do I enable it in the add-ons manager and then reload the page.
  10. Wow, my last post was in Feb....LOL. Ca3le must be in Colo eating brownies !! No, as I stated in a post above, all is good now after I did the reset of IE 11. Getting around 1.5 Mb/s up and around 40 Mb/s down, except during peak evening hours it slows.
  11. "Your symptoms wreak of malware." No, they reek of Suddenlink problems, had them many times before. Fact is, I've never had any virus/malware since I first started using computers in 1979. I keep my machines squeaky clean. I already have S/B Search & Destroy and keep my host file definitions up to date weekly, sometime I manually edit them. I also run a virus scan weekly and keep off the malicious web sites, you know which ones I mean.... Just did a download test and I'm back up to normal, around 40 Mb/s. But thinks for your concern.
  12. Yes, the last few tests were run booting into Win 7. All seems to be okay now, don't know what caused the problem, but the IE reset seemed to fix it. Thanks Edit: Just ran up/down tests and upload is okay, download was in the toilet. Was getting around 2 Mb/s to Dallas about 200 miles from me. Changed it to east coast and got around 20 Mb/s. Dang, hope I don't start having problems with Suddenlink again, it been running great for months.
  13. I clicked on the icon on the top left of the reply window, BBcode Mode ?? and then I was allowed to paste. Not sure why it would not work otherwise. Tracing route to testmy.net [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms 2 8 ms 7 ms 6 ms 3 8 ms 11 ms 8 ms 173-219-249-84-link.sta.suddenlink.net [] 4 27 ms 25 ms 27 ms 173-219-249-57-link.sta.suddenlink.net [] 5 * 26 ms 26 ms 173-219-245-11-link.sta.suddenlink.net [] 6 25 ms 27 ms 26 ms te1-5.bbr01.eq01.dal01.networklayer.com [] 7 28 ms 27 ms 28 ms ae5.dar01.sr01.dal05.networklayer.com [] 8 38 ms 26 ms 25 ms po1.fcr04.sr03.dal05.networklayer.com [] 9 26 ms 27 ms 30 ms [] Trace complete.
  14. Okay, I went to my IE advanced setting and hit "reset", rebooted the computer and now I can do the upload test okay. Don't know what was causing it as I have not changed anything default setting since I put Win 7 on this computer. However, I still cannot copy and paste into this reply window. I clicked on paste and said yes to allow editor to access my clipboard, but still won't paste. Any suggestions ? Edit: Just for grins, I went to another forum that I am a member of and had no problem pasting the tracert into a reply window there. So I'm lost as to why its not working here.
  15. Ran a traceroute from command window as you suggested and it ran okay. I have tried every way possible to paste the results into this reply window to no avail. I can copy the test file I created from the tracert but no way will it paste into this reply window. If you know the secret let me know. Thanks
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