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Everything posted by bent240LV

  1. streamripper works awesome so far
  2. cool thanks guys and thanks for the pm. DI.fm rocks
  3. im kind of confused about the audio recording ability of the windows encoder.... "The first digital surround-sound codec for the Web, WMA 9 Pro captures full-resolution audio (24bit/96Khz sampling) for both stereo and multichannel (6+ discrete channels) delivery at 128-768Kbps. " does that mean that i can only record up to 96Khz? because on di.fm they stream mp3 at 192 and wma @ 128 .
  4. i was wondering how i could do this,I dont know if anyone has ever been to di.fm but it is a great site if you love techno, trance dance etc. Anyways, i realy like it and i was wondering if i subscribe to the premier service they offer is there is any way to record to my computer so i can play on an ipod or other device? thanks
  5. i have tried a couple of these progrmas once and they ended up making avast and ad-aware go crazy. So what program from the ones discussed will not do that? Also, some of the bootscreens i dl also had the same problem. thanks
  6. ok ill have him try it again, you think i should have him remove every device under sound, video and game controllers? and then turn the computer off take out the card and maybe try another PCI slot if he has one.
  7. :haha: thats the first thing i asked my dad is he had the speakers plugged into the correct place...... When the computer starts up i can hear a popping sound but no real sounds.
  8. my dad had lost his sound, he bought a new SB live 24 bit card and still no audio. His mobo is a MSI K7N2 and i made sure the onboard audio was not on and so forth. He did the install but i assume he did it correctly becasue it shows the hardware in the device manage. When i ran the diagnostics from creative most of the test failed the midi test and whatever else it test for. I tried many thing uninstalling re-installing enabling on board disabling on baord audio. Cant seem to figure it out, maybe one of you might have a clue at to waht is going on.
  9. well of course you would be able to make money for gas because we NEED gas. No matter how much we complain we still NEED to go to wrok school etc. But the way you came off sounded like you caling us all stupid for complaining about the gas prices because were willing to pay whatever for a liter of water.[move]have a nice day[/move]]
  10. so your ok with paying the gas prices?
  11. i pay a $1.08 for a gallon or arrow head water in the clear bottle thats good stuff...... thats 3.79 liters for $1.08
  12. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16827152047 thanks
  13. http://www.surewest.com/mp/ sounds like a great friken deal.... what the heck is up with the southwest? where are our good deals? or when are they coming? darnit
  14. where can i DL a free partition/formating utility. I know partition magic is great but i dont want to pay $80.00
  15. thanks ill try it
  16. my sister has locked her self out of her computer some how. From what she has told me she was trying to make it so nobody could access her computer. But now her computer has locked her out and asks for a password and user name the problem is she does not remmeber and has tried everything possible. How do i get he back into her computer?
  17. hey i have a router, but my grandma does not, could this be a problem?
  18. shold i have firewall disable when i try next time?
  19. well she was online when i was trying and she did go to the isp site and i got it. I think i might just wait till she gets cable to try again. IT was attempting to connect but it just said times out.
  20. i tried to connect to her but i just kept getting a connection timed out message. Cold it be that she is on dial up and im on cable?
  21. where is the duplicate file finder?
  22. how bout a good duplicate file finder?
  23. thanks, do i need to DL the server and the viewer or just ther viewer? i have not read through the guide yet, does it cover what needs to b done on the other end if anything? ans thanks a lot again
  24. ok thanks a lot!!! testmy.net people are the best
  25. we are both just using xp home. Is there a guide on how to do this correctly and are ther any risks involved? thanks for the fast help
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