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Everything posted by h2haxor

  1. Why? i don't understand..... at&t is 6mbps/7XXkbps big drop on dl smal drop on up but ???
  2. heh, i'm the one who found out
  3. yeah, the basic is 7/512 now.
  4. it's been unlocked for the 2 years i've lived in this house : also, i optimized my registry again this is the result :::.. Download Stats ..::: Download Connection is:: 13253 Kbps about 13.3 Mbps (tested with 12160 kB) Download Speed is:: 1618 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Server 1) Test Time:: 2006/10/15 - 12:51pm Bottom Line:: 231X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 0.63 sec Tested from a 12160 kB file and took 7.516 seconds to complete Download Diagnosis:: Awesome! 20% + : 160.02 % faster than the average for host (cox.net) D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-96VWB5THM User Agent:: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727) [!]
  5. yeah, they upgraded my area around a week ago. sadly i'm having frequent trouble with downloads....
  6. i sadly found out l8r that my tv didn't work so i had to put the bad one back on so i'll have to call them and get them to run another line from the main cable thing in my back yard.
  7. Well, i was tired of relying on Cox to properly split the signal. I got fed up with getting what i usually did before they upgraded my node to 12/1, so i walked outside and looked inside the cable box(it was unlocked) and i saw the guy put a bad splitter on it( bad for modems that is) so i replaced it and my new speed (with router ) is ::::::::::.. Download Stats ..:::::::::: Download Connection is:: 13199 Kbps about 13.2 Mbps (tested with 12160 kB) Download Speed is:: 1611 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Server 1) Test Time:: 2006/10/14 - 2:14pm Bottom Line:: 230X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 0.64 sec Tested from a 12160 kB file and took 7.547 seconds to complete Download Diagnosis:: Awesome! 20% + : 159.77 % faster than the average for host (Cox.net) D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-OIQY4WGBV User Agent:: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)
  8. ping yahoo.com -l 1000 -n 150 blahblahblah packets: sent = 150, recieved = 136, Lost = 14
  9. RF Parameters Downstream Freq/Power: 663.000 MHz 3 dBmV Signal to Noise Ratio: 35 dB Modulation: QAM256 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Upstream Freq/Power: 25.000 MHz 46 dBmV Channel Type: DOCSIS 1.x (TDMA) Symbol Rate: 2560 kSym/sec Modulation: QAM16 its an arris modem... the down used to be 0 or -1 the up used to be 49
  10. I'm sorry for any foul language i use in this rant. Well, this really pisses me off. Been on Cox's ass for almost a year (will be a year in 2 weeks) to get the Speeds right.... sure, my speedtests are great. and yet i start a download and it goes to shit there after.it was fine the last 3-4 days. then today i have a guy come out and bypass the 7(thats right 7) splitters that the other 9 guy some how looked over and it made it WORSE..... WTF? last 3-4 days been averaging 1.25 MBps download on any site with a router. i have been a cox customer for Several years, and this is how they repay me? they say oh bypass your router and see what happens, well i do that and guess what? it goes slower the guy ended up putting 1 splitter in the cable box and it made my tv's mess up with the quality and the internet went to shit. i'm starting to think that DSL (with the new breakthrough with it being to sustain speeds of FiOS) is a better option than Cox right now. i just don't think it's worth the Shit i have gone through. (unless they wanna give me 15/2 free for 6 months) *steps off soap box* Comments?
  11. :::.. Download Stats ..::: Download Connection is:: 15325 Kbps about 15.3 Mbps (tested with 12160 kB) Download Speed is:: 1871 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Server 1) Test Time:: 2006/10/12 - 6:09pm Bottom Line:: 267X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 0.55 sec Tested from a 12160 kB file and took 6.5 seconds to complete Download Diagnosis:: Awesome! 20% + : 203.53 % faster than the average for host (cox.net) D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-61KJR4BP0 User Agent:: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727) [!]
  12. have the port 3074 forwarded for gaming.
  13. in this format My isp: Best package now: My current speed/package: Best package a year from now: my isp: Cox communications best package now: 15/2 my current speed/package: paying for 12/1 got 19/1 when bypassed router best package a year from now: probably 50/3 (they won't give us any F***ing upload
  14. arris telephony docsis 1.1 modem. my package is 12/1 i was directly connected at the time. with router i get 12/1.01
  15. eh... speakeasy is java Flash based.
  16. I have cox..... my package is 12/1 :
  17. Pic attatched. EDIT: I took the test around 10 minutes ago :
  18. hehe just got upgraded.
  19. its either because its early in teh morn or cox upgraded my node to 12/1
  20. that seems like it was cached.... i mean it is comcast.
  21. eh, haven't lost em yet. not until this thursday. i wonder what my speed will be then?
  22. i guess soo ^_______^
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