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Everything posted by peepnklown

  1. 16MBs is nothing when talking about digital cameras. If you have a 4MP
  2. I think we would all agree over-clocking shouldn
  3. I think he is talking about a user that doesn
  4. I just want Shaq to win another ring, just so he can rub it into the Lakers faces.
  5. On Windows XP you can set up user accounts by going to
  6. For registry changes to take effect you will need to reboot, so telling people to reboot is the right thing (if you don
  7. The newest Ad-aware will clean out your host-file.
  8. It's freaking Han Solo (stupid img) <a href="http://www.liquidgeneration.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://www.liquidgeneration.com/quiz/images//Card_HanSolo.jpg" border="0"></a>
  9. Support the troops by demanding their return home.
  10. Normally you can mix different speeds of DDR (the memory will just default to the lower speed) but, DELLs are
  11. You probably want to run the above in Safe-Mode. (with networking if you have the option)
  12. If you get desperate you can install Windows over Windows
  13. Web accelerators only increase the speed when you surf the internet and not when you download or upload anything. If your ISP doesn
  14. peepnklown


    A family site; Are we going to offer advice on how to raise children or how to bake a cake? (Sarcasm) I wouldn
  15. You requested information, nothing wrong with that.
  16. I usually have 17 at start-up.
  17. Upgrade Power Supply (you might need it with a high-end video card) http://www.pcpowerandcooling.com/products/power_supplies/selector/14a.php?model=Dimension%204550.htm 4X AGP (for the 4550)
  18. I would check device manager and see if you have any little yellow exclamation marks. On the lower right-hand side of the task-bar, how many little icons are running?
  19. peepnklown


    I thought Cable was going to let the parents, parent their children?
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