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Everything posted by peepnklown

  1. What is a "Windows Vista Experience Index score?"
  2. IE8 = I played with it for 10 minutes then went back to IE7.
  3. I use IE7 for most of my browsing needs but I use Firefox for the higher risk websites.
  4. Memory Limits for Windows Releases Troubleshoot BSOD errors with a Windows Vista Dump file
  5. I found that same fix as above but, it was for Windows XP and wasn
  6. Does your wireless internet have a brand-name? If not, run the speed test from the site and copy and paste the results into this thread.
  7. I concur; possible bad filter/splitter or you have a filter on the DSL modem. If worse case event: bad internal wiring or MTU. The line check should expose the problem.
  8. A lot of turntables have preamps with RCA outputs on them. What is the make and model of your turntables? If you do not have a preamp: HERE You
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