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Everything posted by peepnklown

  1. I am looking for a state that is friendly to the ideal of the freedom of information.
  2. I was working on collecting notes for my term-paper in the early morning and Google
  3. You probably need to clean the print heads .
  4. If the actual heads are clogged then the
  5. Time Warner [former Adelphia] came into town: 1
  6. Instead of investing that money into the local communities
  7. :::.. Download Stats ..::: Download Connection is:: 9226 Kbps about 9.2 Mbps (tested with 12160 kB) Download Speed is:: 1126 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Server 1) Test Time:: 2007/03/26 - 4:16am Bottom Line:: 161X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 0.91 sec Tested from a 12160 kB file and took 10.797 seconds to complete Download Diagnosis:: Awesome! 20% + : 96.01 % faster than the average for host (rr.com) D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-HP7VDAL9C
  8. I have recently been having a few problems with Time Warner Cable: Roadrunner. 1. They decreased my 6Mbps/768Kbps [Adelphia] to 4Mpbs/512Kbps in my region which made my quite unhappy. 2. From February to March I would have random days of outages and I had the technicians come out a few times. So, a few days ago it started randomly going out all night so I called them up and asked them to transfer me to a manager or the department so I can make a formal complaint. The person on the phone said that they would send a lead technician out and that he would be the one to talk with. I had to be at work so I have a friend deal with the technician. To my surprise I get home and my friend told me that the technician tested everything but, this is what shocked me: he gave me a year free of their Extreme Package which is 7-10Mbps/768Kbps. I am now getting about 9.1Mpbs/876Kbps
  9. FIOS is not offered in my area thus I am not happy.
  10. I use a wireless network and my down is 4Mbps and I get regularly 3.9Mbps on wireless.
  11. AGGR3 = the only GUY who pushed my application to become MOD while most of the forum members hated me. I sent you a hooker
  12. He spent 2 years in the Federal pen.
  13. I voted and if want to know my vote call the FBI & NSA.
  14. I applaud your endeavor. The US has fallen into corporatism.
  15. Odd, when did D-Link switch to foreign technical support? I swear I called them last year and they were still in the USA.
  16. Tom, I believe you are wrong on this matter. 1
  17. Because I made a joke and you got all defensive
  18. You are MAC sensitive. You are trying to load OS X 10.4 on that G3 powered MAC? I have heard the 10.4 cannot be installed unless you use XpostFacto 4 but, you can install 10.3 without any 3rd party help. I have also heard that if you have the DVD drive it is not supported under OS X and DVDs must be watched under classic OS 8.6
  19. I know the problem: you are using a MAC. Which MAC OS are you using? Should I assume OS 9?
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