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About dannieboy

  • Birthday 10/22/1989

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    G-Town Maryland

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  1. Nope. Its 100% original copy.
  2. Actually, I wanted to install windows on a normal internal harddrive. I just wanted to install it FROM an external CD/DVD-RW drive. Sorry for the confusion.
  3. Hey. I was wondering if it was possible to reinstall windows from an external CD/DVD-RW drive. The problem is that when I put in the OS cd, it doesn't recognize it. Is there any way to get the external drive to recognize the cd? I tried putting a different CD in and it works perfectly so I'm guessing its just the OS cd. Thanks.
  4. LOL. They got the display up last Thursday.
  5. So a friend an I just came back from bestbuy because we wanted to see the Zune firsthand before be bought it online. When we got there...we found the display and it was off. We asked the employee and they told us that it broke just a few days after putting it up for display. So yeah... I'm kind of having second thoughts about getting it...
  6. in the words of a a fellow testmy'er "YAYAYAYYAYAYAYAY"
  7. Thank you. Thank You guys!
  8. Yeah. I've been using speedtest for a few months now. It is very accurtate and it allows you to choose different servers that are closest to you. Super Cool!
  9. Dude. My speeds are looking pretty nice also...considering i only pay for 15mbps. P.S. NICE SPEEDS AGENTGOD
  10. Check this out: Hilarious!
  11. I pay for 15megs but I get around 20-23megs.
  12. HAHA! Thanks Water!
  14. I hope i get to keep it. LOL
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