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    AenionRex reacted to rebrecs in Automatic Testing and window focus   
    Hi, Microsoft Windows 10 on a fairly vanilla Desktop PC with all the usual suspects present. Mouse, keyboard, screen, several game controllers, huge speakers and that sort of thing.
    I would like to know how to work around the issue I described, BUT the problem sort of took care of itself, so my interest evaporated.
    Soon after I posted, I added a second display to the system. I put the automatic test over there where it can remain open, focused, and happy. And so can I. (using the other display)
    Although I am no longer concerned about it, I would like to sincerely thank you for trying to assist.
    Have a good'n.
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    AenionRex reacted to CA3LE in When our Internet goes down, this program stops & doesn't restart? We need to see how often our internet is down.   
    I have a new program I'd like to start beta testing very soon.
    I've been running it myself nonstop for well over a year now. It's reliably been keeping track of my home connection's uptime / downtime. It's also helped me make TMN's services more reliable and redundant in the process because the server-side needs to be highly available for the program to make sense. Can't be sending false alarms because of server-side hiccups.
    I really just want to open it up to people in its current state, there are minor bugs I need to address but none of them have to do with the functionality, usefulness or stability of the program. More aesthetics. I feel like it's a new concept so it will need to find it's design along the way as I get feedback. The core functionality is pretty sweet already. I'm just unsure if people will get what it's all about at first glance.
    In your case, it does exactly what you're looking for. It passively monitors your connection every second then notifies you when your connection goes down and when it's back online. It has an interesting, unique and reliable method of operation. Designed specifically to be able to run indefinitely on unstable connections and always recover itself back into a ready state, using minimal resources.
    Give me a few days to button this new program up, I'll send you a message and update this thread.
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    AenionRex got a reaction from CA3LE in Hey! Y'all still here, eh?   
    That's awesome
  4. Like
    AenionRex reacted to CA3LE in Hey! Y'all still here, eh?   
    Definitely need to work on SEO.
    Best thing people can do is spread the word. 
    And you're right, to the casual user -- they have no idea what makes TMN unique. Unfortunately the majority just follows where the rest of the crowd goes. A vicious cycle, feeding into itself.      -- implications far deeper than just speed tests.  lol
    One of these days I hope to get my message across better, where more people want to engage. Until then, all I can do is keep developing. At the end of the day, I'm happy just serving those who already understand the difference.
    Forums everywhere in general, died. The Internet changes and you have to change with it. I may eventually push the forums off into an archive in favor of a more modern method of communication.
  5. Like
    AenionRex got a reaction from CA3LE in Hey! Y'all still here, eh?   
    That would be lovely.
    Is it difficult to get the word out about testmy.net? My hunch is that 99% of internet users don't perceive and won't understand the problem testmy.net addresses in addition to many who just assume testmy.net is wrong. But then again people often surprise me and one won't get anywhere assuming 99% of people wont like a product. Or maybe some of it may be SEO related? On google, testmy.net comes up in the middle of the second page. On duckduckgo, its the first result revealed after one clicks "see more results". I myself found testmy randomly through an LTE equipment forum post. I'm super grateful I did, and look forward to what new things come out. To the casual internet user one test tool may seem as good as any other, I would think. But there I go getting myself in trouble thinking again...
  6. Like
    AenionRex reacted to Rustcrew in Appreciation of testmy.net   
    If they gave out medals for best speed test site you would get the gold medal . My favorite place too find out my real speed . Don't forget the biggest thing that may run one or 2 tests is Internet congestion . Take at lest 10 tests throw out 1 or 2 low ones and there is your average . Internet congestion will always be there to ruin your test, no matter where you go on the net . Especially when a site is having a sale .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    https://testmy.net/HZcrp3HH9.png
  7. Like
    AenionRex reacted to CA3LE in Appreciation of testmy.net   
    Some wording across the site could use some updating. I run every aspect of TMN alone. I rotate through different tasks and have to shift mindset to do each. I should be getting to the text site-wide after my next programming phase which I'm just about to start.
    Not sure. I tend to focus on what I'm building here. I'm far from finished.
    Yeah, it definitely isn't free for me to run TestMy.net. I currently fund myself with ads. You can also donate. I may be exploring other options in future releases.
    Sure, of course... I believe anything is possible.
    One method I might try to get immediate results would be to find an app for mapping cell towers. Maybe there's one out there that logs each occurrence when you switch towers. Then run TMN normally as you would and combine the data to provide the picture you're after.
    If you can detect the information (like which cell tower you're using) then you can log it.
    I'm working to create APIs that developers can use to extend the functionality of TMN through their own applications. One of them may be to enable tagging where you could send a simple command to TMN to log additional parameters. You could then query your results using those tagged parameters to do all sorts of useful things.
    Well, I'm glad I'm not the only one that notices that. I don't blame people, other sites often paint a very different picture than mine. No other site works like TestMy.net and I'm very proud of that. Discrepancies between TMN and other test results always have a logical explanation. TMN, is correct. Sometimes people listen, identify and fix their issue, get back up to speed and thank me.
    People usually only like the truth when it favors them.
    I could be like my competition, there are a lot of things I can do to make results more favorable without necessarily lying to you. People might like their results more and my site may get shared (ISPs especially would share TMN more) more but I wouldn't be able to sleep knowing that it's BS.
    TestMy.net is far from perfect, but it's the only speed test I know of that has been 100% developed by a consumer, with no special interests. I have no bias. Score high, score low -- what matters to me is that the result reflects your real-world experience so you can improve.
    You're very welcome. I hope you stick around.
    Sorry it took me time to respond, you hit me up as I was driving cross country. I like to sit at my proper console to respond to messages like yours.
  8. Like
    AenionRex got a reaction from Pgoodwin1 in Appreciation of testmy.net   
    I only recently found testmy.net, and I'm actually blown away that this site isn't a subscription service or running ads. Can everybody stop for a minute and appreciate this? My account is only a couple hours old so I've only really just begun to use the app, but it is very clear to me the amazing value you are providing. I'm a software/web developer by trade and have enough familiarity (far from an expert but not a babe in the woods) with whats going on under the hood here to be impressed and grateful for a diagnostic tool of this scope.
    I have some questions though. I hope you don't mind.
    1) I was reading through the FAQs about speed test inflation from other services to benefit the ISP providers. I noticed the posts are dated 2012 so I'm curious about the current state of these matters. For instance, flash is dead. Surely, people can't still be using flash for speed tests can they? This is a big broad question, but what is the current landscape for speed tests and do you still see the type of collusion between tests and ISPs describe in the FAQ?
    2) In tandem with the above: Since the time of those posts, have any other speed test tools come around that are reliable, in-depth, and don't inflate stats?
    3) How is this site funded? With so many servers offered, an active user base eating up bandwidth with tests, server space for the database and software code, and the investment in maintaining this app costs are bound to stack up.
    4) This question is a bit tangential to the above and outside of the expertise displayed by the tools here, but I'm going to throw it out there anyway. Is it theoretically possible to create a testing tool for LTE equipment (4g/5g reliant devices) that diagnoses a device's connection to cell towers in an analogous manner to testmy.net's diagnosis of internet connectivity issues? I have been working with SIM card accepting routers, CAT 12 modems, Goldenob firmware, and parabolic antennas to connect to cell towers recently and I would kill the pope's brother for a comparable tool. Diagnosing connectivity between the hardware and the cell towers can be a face-shreddingly grueling process, sometimes lasting months. Even in the best cases its decently involved.
    Judging by the forums, people aren't always happy you're telling them their connection is slower than they thought. So, thanks again for doing this sometimes thankless work.
  9. Like
    AenionRex reacted to CA3LE in Appreciation of testmy.net   
    Wanted to quickly say thank you. I appreciate your appreciation. ?
    When I get to my computer I'll take time to properly respond.
  10. Thanks
    AenionRex got a reaction from CA3LE in Appreciation of testmy.net   
    I only recently found testmy.net, and I'm actually blown away that this site isn't a subscription service or running ads. Can everybody stop for a minute and appreciate this? My account is only a couple hours old so I've only really just begun to use the app, but it is very clear to me the amazing value you are providing. I'm a software/web developer by trade and have enough familiarity (far from an expert but not a babe in the woods) with whats going on under the hood here to be impressed and grateful for a diagnostic tool of this scope.
    I have some questions though. I hope you don't mind.
    1) I was reading through the FAQs about speed test inflation from other services to benefit the ISP providers. I noticed the posts are dated 2012 so I'm curious about the current state of these matters. For instance, flash is dead. Surely, people can't still be using flash for speed tests can they? This is a big broad question, but what is the current landscape for speed tests and do you still see the type of collusion between tests and ISPs describe in the FAQ?
    2) In tandem with the above: Since the time of those posts, have any other speed test tools come around that are reliable, in-depth, and don't inflate stats?
    3) How is this site funded? With so many servers offered, an active user base eating up bandwidth with tests, server space for the database and software code, and the investment in maintaining this app costs are bound to stack up.
    4) This question is a bit tangential to the above and outside of the expertise displayed by the tools here, but I'm going to throw it out there anyway. Is it theoretically possible to create a testing tool for LTE equipment (4g/5g reliant devices) that diagnoses a device's connection to cell towers in an analogous manner to testmy.net's diagnosis of internet connectivity issues? I have been working with SIM card accepting routers, CAT 12 modems, Goldenob firmware, and parabolic antennas to connect to cell towers recently and I would kill the pope's brother for a comparable tool. Diagnosing connectivity between the hardware and the cell towers can be a face-shreddingly grueling process, sometimes lasting months. Even in the best cases its decently involved.
    Judging by the forums, people aren't always happy you're telling them their connection is slower than they thought. So, thanks again for doing this sometimes thankless work.
  11. Like
    AenionRex got a reaction from mudmanc4 in Appreciation of testmy.net   
    I only recently found testmy.net, and I'm actually blown away that this site isn't a subscription service or running ads. Can everybody stop for a minute and appreciate this? My account is only a couple hours old so I've only really just begun to use the app, but it is very clear to me the amazing value you are providing. I'm a software/web developer by trade and have enough familiarity (far from an expert but not a babe in the woods) with whats going on under the hood here to be impressed and grateful for a diagnostic tool of this scope.
    I have some questions though. I hope you don't mind.
    1) I was reading through the FAQs about speed test inflation from other services to benefit the ISP providers. I noticed the posts are dated 2012 so I'm curious about the current state of these matters. For instance, flash is dead. Surely, people can't still be using flash for speed tests can they? This is a big broad question, but what is the current landscape for speed tests and do you still see the type of collusion between tests and ISPs describe in the FAQ?
    2) In tandem with the above: Since the time of those posts, have any other speed test tools come around that are reliable, in-depth, and don't inflate stats?
    3) How is this site funded? With so many servers offered, an active user base eating up bandwidth with tests, server space for the database and software code, and the investment in maintaining this app costs are bound to stack up.
    4) This question is a bit tangential to the above and outside of the expertise displayed by the tools here, but I'm going to throw it out there anyway. Is it theoretically possible to create a testing tool for LTE equipment (4g/5g reliant devices) that diagnoses a device's connection to cell towers in an analogous manner to testmy.net's diagnosis of internet connectivity issues? I have been working with SIM card accepting routers, CAT 12 modems, Goldenob firmware, and parabolic antennas to connect to cell towers recently and I would kill the pope's brother for a comparable tool. Diagnosing connectivity between the hardware and the cell towers can be a face-shreddingly grueling process, sometimes lasting months. Even in the best cases its decently involved.
    Judging by the forums, people aren't always happy you're telling them their connection is slower than they thought. So, thanks again for doing this sometimes thankless work.
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