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About keith1178

  • Birthday 11/29/1978

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  • Location
    Wilmington, NC

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  1. I installed the new fire fox and it says Fire Fox could not install this item because of an error in Chrome registration please contact the author about this problem....Any ideas?
  2. Coknuck thank you....the others kept giving me an error message and this one seems to be working fine so far
  3. Thanks guys....yeah it came with software but everytime I try to launch it freezes up on me
  4. Is there any free program to convert AVI to ISO. I bought a HDD camcorder and it records into an AVI file and I would like to convert them into ISO so I can burn them to DVD
  5. Are you kidding me....has anyone else looked up how much that keyboard is....$1500.....My wife would kill me....but that thing is awsome
  6. Wilmington North Carolina about a mile from the beach
  7. OK guys just have a quick question.....not even sure if you can help but I figure if I put it out there sooner or later somebody will know....I have a Motorola q9m and I upgraded the firmware to windows mobile 6.1 which in turn makes my phone a Motorola q9c according to the phone and my PC when I connect to it. When I call verizon they still can not activate vz navigator because according to them I still have the q9m....does anybody know any way around this? The only thing I am looking for is to have gps capabilities.
  8. nevermind....went to the everything Q forum and got it.......thank god I did not brick the phone
  9. I have had it about a year and its a great phone so not ready to upgrade yet unless I have to
  10. Hey guys I have a motorola q9m with verizon and I was asking them in the store yesterday about the VZ navigator and they said that I would have to buy a new phone or download the windows mobile 6.1 firmware for my phone to change it to a Q9c...I have tried the motorola website and no luck...if anybody has any knowledge please let me know.
  11. I really appreciate your help and sorry if I was out of line with any questions....trying to stay on your good side because you guys are so quick and helpful when I need help
  12. It downloaded into a folder and says video_ts....sorry didn't realize this was illegal
  13. Hey guys after reading this I downloaded Bit Torrent and downloaded a movie...now how can I watch the movie or burn to dvd.....it downloaded in TS format?
  14. Hey guys I have an HP dv9000 laptop and here lately it has gotten unbearably slow. I have checked for spyware using super antispyware and found nothing......When I open it to use it takes forever to respond and sometimes just seems to lock up on me....any suggestions?
  15. I had to restore to factory settings because one of my kids did something and windows would not even boot....yes before that I had set up a home network and was able to print and view files from my pc on my laptop.
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