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  • Speed Test

    My Results

Everything posted by gotmilk

  1. Dang, man! That's really fast fot DSL. You must be on ADSL2+. Would you post an upload please? EDIT: Oh yeah, how is your speed on one of the testmy.net servers?
  2. Well, at least we know it's not cached. Maybe he found a way to combine two connections into one fast speed. EDIT: Yeah, or that.
  3. I got the same thing he did.
  4. Wait, did they say you can't get DSL where you are?
  5. I know but it looks like you don't have the boost. It looks like you're still on the 10/1 package. The "boost" is 30/2. Nice speeds, though.
  6. What does that have to do with the boost?
  7. If you're on Comcast, then that's probably cached. The new "boost" they're giving customers only goes up to 16 Mbps for the 8/768 package, and 12 Mbps for the 6/384 package. Clear out your cache, turn off your firewall(s) and test again. Oh yeah, and welcome to the forums.
  8. If there is an engineer coming out, he may be able to find the problem. Also, you may be getting low results because you're overseas, but I strongly doubt that's the problem. Be sure to give us an update when the engineer comes.
  9. I find it ironic that your name is DSLFreak, yet you're on Cox.
  10. It has already been dealt with. Read this topic: http://www.testmy.net/forum/t-15249
  11. Why the heck do you still have that Speakeasy line?
  12. That's the cheapest package with 10 Mbps upstream, and it's only $4.95 more than what he's paying for all of his connections now. 50/5 for $89.95 or business class 35/10 for $169.95. Just for reference Consumer class: Business class: It's good to see you're finally getting FIOS after whining about it for so long. There are kids in Africa with 3/256 connections............
  13. That's referring to the average of all tests taken from people on Time Warner, including people on higher speed tiers than you. Don't worry about that.
  14. Take the tests again, then copy and paste what's in the red box in the picture below. Do this with both the download and the upload.
  15. He's a video game character. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kirby_%28Nintendo%29
  16. There's nothing else for me to do. When my internet goes out, I just sit around.
  17. No, do the speed tests again and copy and paste the results.
  18. *cough* 3/256.......................
  19. I've had mine like that for a long time now. Oh yeah, and this is something I notice in the h4x0r Google images (look at the drop down box). http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a321/gotmilk1689/untitled.png
  20. Yes, as long as you're getting 90% of your advertised speeds, you're fine. 90% of 7000 is 6300, and 90% of 512 is ~461, so as long as you're getting at least 6300/461, you're good. Most people don't get 100% of their advertised speeds.
  21. Accurate enough for me.....
  22. Dang, I didn't know RR offered a package like that. Nice speeds!
  23. What is your first hop? Could you post a tracert?
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