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Everything posted by erin654

  1. i beg your pardon hun? please explain... XD
  2. *snort* I didn't even know that company existed until a friend of mine reffered me...and i had a hard enough time finding it even then...; so no worries here, plus my name is unlisted and my mom works for the phone book makers here! and to answer your question... PGM = Precision Gathering Management - data collection and processing specialists... we do surveys over the phone mostly...at least, that is my job
  3. *blinks and slowly backs out of the room*
  4. ... i actually like that commercial cuz its just sooo GHAY!!
  5. i'm just talkin' a load of smack...stop me anytime to remind me what an idiot i truly am...
  6. i didn't know that any torrents were LEGAL!
  7. how often do you update the smiley bank? hmm... testing one now... :poke
  8. off topic...i need to make me a cool sig banner...
  9. I do. Just wonderin' what everyone's favorite torrent clients are. I use uTorrent, while my brother does his with what is built in to the Opera browser. Also, what is your preffered site for downloading the torrents? I use mininova.org or .net...not so sure...
  10. hmm, i am not entirely sure i know what you mean by "comes from behind" but really i'm fine being ignorant to that...
  11. WARNING! NO PERVS ALLOWED TO LOOK AT MY PICS! sorry about the sizes if you think they are too big. i'm too conceited to shrink them... ^__~ <img src="http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f323/erin654/A300043.jpg"> <img src="http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f323/erin654/DSCN0376.jpg"> <img src="http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f323/erin654/DSCN0368.jpg"> <img src="http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f323/erin654/A300011--edit1.jpg">
  12. i'm not just going to hand over my soul willy-nilly! you guys have to work at it, weaken my defense and swoop for it when you feel the timing is right...
  13. a stupid post really isn't spam... it is what i fondly call post whoring. a "post whore" is one who makes a lot of posts that contain little value, just for the sake of seeing their count go up
  14. with all due respect resopal... its big and ugly... but nice try. Shug is just never satisfied
  15. 4...shweeet.
  16. it doesn't... just kidding...i have no room to act all tough... what with me being a Utahn and new here...what is my post count now? lets see...
  17. i see no smilies in the long number list... *gasp* but i can suggest some... umm, i don't know how to make them show up with bbc code...i'm more of an html girl really... so i'll just list urls for you to check them out... the original page can be found at http://vampirefreaks.com/show_emotes.php 1. http://e.vampirefreaks.com/emotes/aroused.gif 2. http://e.vampirefreaks.com/emotes/assimilate.gif 3. http://e.vampirefreaks.com/emotes/banana.gif 4. http://e.vampirefreaks.com/emotes/banghead.gif 5. http://e.vampirefreaks.com/emotes/borg.gif 6. http://e.vampirefreaks.com/emotes/bow.gif 7. http://e.vampirefreaks.com/emotes/cat.gif 8. http://e.vampirefreaks.com/emotes/domo.gif 9. http://e.vampirefreaks.com/emotes/doughboy.gif 10. http://e.vampirefreaks.com/emotes/emo2.gif 11. http://e.vampirefreaks.com/emotes/fish.gif 12. http://e.vampirefreaks.com/emotes/foamy.gif 13. http://e.vampirefreaks.com/emotes/girdance.gif 14. http://e.vampirefreaks.com/emotes/girsad.gif 15. http://e.vampirefreaks.com/emotes/gooby.gif 16. http://e.vampirefreaks.com/emotes/go.gif 17. http://e.vampirefreaks.com/emotes/guns.gif 18. http://e.vampirefreaks.com/emotes/haha.gif 19. http://e.vampirefreaks.com/emotes/headbang.gif 20. http://e.vampirefreaks.com/emotes/hearts.gif 21. http://e.vampirefreaks.com/emotes/hit.gif 22. http://e.vampirefreaks.com/emotes/hmm.gif 23. http://e.vampirefreaks.com/emotes/horny.gif 24. http://e.vampirefreaks.com/emotes/hugs.gif 25. http://e.vampirefreaks.com/emotes/hug.gif 26. http://e.vampirefreaks.com/emotes/hysterical.gif 27. http://e.vampirefreaks.com/emotes/jack.gif 28. http://e.vampirefreaks.com/emotes/kick.gif 29. http://e.vampirefreaks.com/emotes/kiss.gif 30. http://e.vampirefreaks.com/emotes/kitty.gif 31. http://e.vampirefreaks.com/emotes/laughchair.gif 32. http://e.vampirefreaks.com/emotes/lick.gif 33. http://e.vampirefreaks.com/emotes/love.gif 34. http://e.vampirefreaks.com/emotes/makeout.gif 35. http://e.vampirefreaks.com/emotes/mario.gif 36. http://e.vampirefreaks.com/emotes/megaman.gif 37. http://e.vampirefreaks.com/emotes/na.gif 38. http://e.vampirefreaks.com/emotes/ninjafart.gif 39. http://e.vampirefreaks.com/emotes/ninja.gif 40. http://e.vampirefreaks.com/emotes/nod.gif 41. http://e.vampirefreaks.com/emotes/bigeyes.gif 42. http://e.vampirefreaks.com/emotes/panda.gif 43. http://e.vampirefreaks.com/emotes/paranoid.gif 44. http://e.vampirefreaks.com/emotes/pat.gif 45. http://e.vampirefreaks.com/emotes/peek.gif 46. http://e.vampirefreaks.com/emotes/pirate.gif 47. http://e.vampirefreaks.com/emotes/poke.gif 48. http://e.vampirefreaks.com/emotes/quote.gif 49. http://e.vampirefreaks.com/emotes/roflmao.gif 50. http://e.vampirefreaks.com/emotes/rofl.gif 51. http://e.vampirefreaks.com/emotes/sadhug.gif oh my gosh! there are about 10 more that I want to show off but its getting late here and I don't want CA3LE to get mad that there are so many... so yeah, check em out and have fun!
  18. i think i set mine right... it'll be in utah...
  19. please have Roco fixed... I would certainly not want him spawning... and thanks for the heads up! I'll only post my pic if you guys promise not to be all pervy about it...
  20. yes, please someone fix that... it has been troubling me and making me feel very new and weak...which I am...but I don't need my post counter telling that to everyone else...
  21. lol!
  22. i would never date a girl older than me...simply because i am a straight female... but it always depends on the age difference and what the actual ages are. like when i was 16 it would've been weird dating a 20 year old, but at my age of 19, it really wouldn't be as weird for me to date a 23 year old. my mom and dad were 33 and 39 when they got married, and my aunt just married a guy who is old enough to be her father...
  23. fascinating results... not
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