I see more crap like what I'm posting now and stuff like "this better not turn into a flame thread" , "ill give it 2.3843 seconds and it will be a flame thread JUST WATCH W00T" , and "yea this is a bad idea it's always flaming vldsgnmdgsdgg" than what the topic is actually on...
Aren't french girls the ones with hair on their chests?
Connection is:: 1296 Kbps about 1.3 Mbps (tested with 1013 kB)
Your'e 200 kbps away from it, you're at your limit. You aren't going any faster than what you're at. Stop tweaking before you end up slowing it down and live with it.
Go there, do the cablenut tweaks, then power down your PC completly and unplug the powercord from your modem for 20 seconds. Plug it back in, boot the computer, re-test.