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Everything posted by carltonsteel

  1. if you know your canopy ip the best way to configure it is through the web interface all you do is type the ip into your address bar and hit enter and when you get to the web page if you do not have a side bar go to your start menu and go to run and type in cmd from there type in telnet followed by the ip and once inside you can type in clearwebfile and your sidebar should return
  2. what i would do is try to set your ip of the computer and the sm in the range of the ip of the ap this should allow you to connect for example ap= so your computer ip would be and your sm would be set to that is how we connect with our units so if you know the ip of the ap use this method hopefully it will work
  3. i find the best way to access your canopy is through the web interface if you have dial up still u can connect to that and then go to your web browser and type in the ip address hope that helps @noble :-
  4. well yea the ap has the same address but the sm should not have the same as the ap cause it would cause it to time out
  5. yea but your isp should not give you the same ip they assign each individual customer with a separate ip address
  6. have you tried /mac.html after your ip address
  7. one way to get into it is if you still have dial up is to type in the ip into your address bar and go to the web interface of your sm and enable the link that way you can get back online
  8. im from the usa i do not understand what you have typed and when i read your reply it dose not make sense i cant make heads or tails of your reply
  9. uh can i get that in English please
  10. well if you want to get you canopy unblocked so that you can access it that is the only way of getting back into the unit is to unblock it through the ap. unless you can get to the default plug which dose not seem like an option for you.
  11. canopy is not that hard to figure out you just have to know what your doing ive worked with it for a while now and im still learning more
  12. well if you can get the ip address of the the access point you could access the web interface of the ap and get into your sm that way
  13. snip07 the best way to access your canopy is through the web interface so if you know the ip address of the sm you can type that into your address bar and you should be able to access it if this dose not work let me know
  14. hopefully i answered coolbusters question if that dose not work he going to need a default plug
  15. 9pm where the are you guys located
  16. ok so first off its not ms its sm which means its a subscriber unit and the best thing to do is if you can access the web through dial up then if you know the ip address of the unit you can enable it again through the web interface
  17. lol good morning guys whats up
  18. lol yea ill try to answer any questions for you guys its not a problem
  19. so any questions feel free to ask im available to 5pm east coast time
  20. its no problem if it was not for my co worker finding this site i would of never found such a reliable speed test for testing our equipment against
  21. sure ill try to answer to the best of my ability's
  22. yea but i still think that you are better of with canopy. i should know cause i work with them. and we get very few calls bout problems with out network
  23. yea we get tons of canopy through here i think over 2000 in the past year
  24. well i work for a wireless internet company and we do repairs from all over the world and our company is actually certified for motorola repair that is why i ask i have worked with many kinds of equipment. and i saw ppl posting bout canopy so that is why i asked my question
  25. i'm sorry let me say my question again what kind of equipment dose your internet provider use for your your internet connection
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