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  • Speed Test

    My Results

Everything posted by scriva

  1. :::.. Download Stats ..::: Download Connection is:: 24 Kbps about 0 Mbps (tested with 97 kB) Download Speed is:: 3 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Main) Test Time:: 2007/08/17 - 2:43am Bottom Line:: 0X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 341.33 sec Tested from a 97 kB file and took 32.969 seconds to complete Download Diagnosis:: May need help : running at only 9.76 % of your hosts average (smartbro.net) D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-BW0T7KMCX User Agent:: Opera/9.22 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en) [!] Is this speed normal when its raining? Or is it because there are alot of Smart users logged on when it is raining? (You know, classes are suspended and alot of people are in their house surfing the net or playing online games.) 15 users on my AP: Index: 1 Frequency: 5735.0 MHz ESN: 0a-00-3e-f2-34-40 Jitter: 7 RSSI: 367 Power Level: -80 Beacon Count: 6 BRcvW: 1 DFS: 0 FEC: 0 Type: Multipoint Avail: 1 Age: 0 Lockout: 0 RegFail 6 Range: 7154 feet TxBER: 1 EBcast: 1 Session Count: 1 NoLUIDS: 0 OutOfRange: 0 AuthFail: 0 EncryptFail: 0 Rescan Req: 0 FrameNumber: 1216 SectorID: 4 Color Code: 10 BeaconVersion: 1 SectorUserCount: 15 Frequency: 5735 NumULHalfSlots: 18 NumDLHalfSlots: 55 NumULContSlots: 3
  2. ok, i'll try that...
  3. I never call their hotlines because the only thing that I hear is that lame loopy music on their answering machine.
  4. wtf!!! First time I've got a speed below 250++ in 2 weeks!!! Smart Bro really sucks when it's peak time...
  5. Here's my speed when it's it's peak time (usually in my place it's 10am to 6pm) : (It's manually configured because it's i cant connect automatically "Low Connectivity" daw)
  6. More... I've tried to do a lot of things that other smart wifi users in this forum have done. For me, using TCPOptimizer really optimized my connection (optimal settings @ 6000kbps). I also tried some of the canopy settings here. I have also tried to use proxy servers. I tried using some public proxy servers and the one i'm using right now is proxy.meridian.ph (port 8080).
  7. @coolbuster2007 yes, my speed is a product of a lot of tweakings. I just got frustrated with my speeds when Smart Bro was just newly connected to my PC. Btw, here's another one:
  8. ei guys just wanna share my speed:
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