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Everything posted by php

  1. You're lucky they're over-provisioning at all
  2. Ok, here's what you do... go into the security center, Click on Windows Firewall under the Manage security settings for: area. Turn it off (if it isn't already), click ok. Now the Firewall section under Security essentials should be red. click on it to expand it, then click the Recommendations button. Check the box "I have a firewall solution that I'll monitor myself..." Click ok, restart, and see if that fixes it
  3. Yes, you are sharing the connection with other computers (I'm assuming so anyway) via the router
  4. I thought it did... never used it anyway though... it would take forever with my connection
  5. http://server1.testmy.net/d_load.php?ni=1&tt=1&s=20972&st=st&ta=&top=
  6. No, I just don't know the link for the 20MB test. If you tell me the file size in KiloBytes for that test I can make a link. It's 20579KB or something.
  7. With the secret link If you give me the exact file size inKB I can give you the link
  8. https://testmy.net/s_engine.php?type=user_name&q=php 1119 Kbps :: 137 KB/sec php Average
  9. sheesh... no wonder we think you're 5
  10. php

    my score

    Poor kol too young to die http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,165296,00.html
  11. php

    my score

    Maybe it wasn't intentional, but the speed you posted is cached.
  12. php

    my score

    yea it was, your cap is 5Mbps
  13. Yes, it was. your cap is 5Mbps.
  14. Yea, so what I'm 128
  15. good to know... the way you put it, I thought you said you had lice
  16. I'll bet it isn't... and it's not yours anyway.
  17. yea
  18. I don't think anyone has to ask why this is being locked.
  19. You know... when I joined I pissed people off with 30 posts a day... and they were good, meaningful posts too... or who can't use the shift key right
  20. Yea howd u get 115 posts in 2 days..... Is it something called Spam??
  21. php


    Should be... if not, it will be restored soon ~php
  22. php

    my score

    I answered you in the other thread you made
  23. php


    Click on the Modify button in the upper right corner of your post
  24. There's also a 98/ME version for those that need it.. I believe there is a link on the site. Also, VanBuren gave some quick advice on using that I believe.. https://testmy.net/topic-2097
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