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Everything posted by REV0LUTI0NIZED

  1. Why is this torrent so slow?
  2. Here are another two. On the first one I used I.E. and on the second one I used K-Meleon.
  3. That's a great video. I'm going to need to do it to my cousin.
  4. LoL, yeah that was funny. I'm still watching it I'm half way their.
  5. Cox offers a private line that transfers speeds of 9.2Gbps.
  6. Here try this link http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=2097.0 Any questions reply back.
  7. It could be the router also, since you are going through one. What kind of router do you have?
  8. Have you tried any kind's of tweaks to improve your speed?
  9. Any firewalls on? Some firewalls may decrease your speed during a speed test.
  10. Well, I know that. Double check my post, i'll give you a chance to redeem yourself.
  11. You can get that here... http://hyperwrt.org/ Here is another website that gives you different kinds of firmware and info about the firmware... http://www.wrt54g.net/pages.php?p=firmware
  12. No need to power cycle the modem or router but If you want too It really won't matter.
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