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Everything posted by REV0LUTI0NIZED

  1. I think they are offering 10Mbps/1Mbps and 15Mbps/2Mbps packages in Tampa.
  2. Good download but the upload is just...
  3. Do a speed test right here http://netspeed.stanford.edu/
  4. Do a speed test from right here http://www.broadbandreports.com/stest and post you results.
  5. Yup, their is no 1.2 Mbps SDSL Line but their is a 1.1Mbps SDSL Line, which I think you have anox.
  6. I can check if I'm able to join your room Trans. If you guys tell me were to download ET.
  7. I rather get this, way more cheaper than that. http://www.transedge.com/products/dsl/soho/index.php?tab=soho-pricing.php
  8. Cool, alright I'll call you Scruffy. Hey post some speed test results.
  9. Nice, EvilNightHawk. Who is your provider again? Also were do you live?
  10. I might give it more RAM later on, I just need the money. I already wasted 1,500 bucks for Christmas. It's an old computer.
  11. The download speed is alright aint that good, post an upload speed test.
  12. Your not new to Testmy.net, EvilNightHawk. Well... it's nice to see you posting on this wonderful website. We know you love this website a lot, glad to see you back. Also, Nice Speeds.
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