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Everything posted by REV0LUTI0NIZED

  1. I'm pretty sure you guy's are going to be a great deal of help.
  2. Yeah, Cablenut is the shiznitz!
  3. What package do you have Fallow? That's my first time seeing somebody with RR getting upload speeds that high.
  4. Nice speeds. Looks good to me especially since it's from the 3Mbps package, NICE!
  5. Dial-Up RULES!!!!!! edit:spelling...say cheese edit: cheese!
  6. Wow, that blows. But it's always better than Dail up.
  7. Don't worry guy's you will get that upgrade any time soon. Here is some info saying that by November 5 66% of BellSouth Customers should be available to the new 6Mbps package. http://www.broadbandreports.com/shownews/68275
  8. True, I would like to get stuck with DHCP if I had DSL.
  9. Some DSL provider's should give a price reduction, since some have a pretty pricey packages.
  10. Call them and get transfered too Tech Support2, since they are more smarter than tech support 1. Then tell them your issue with your High Speed Internet and if you want you can tell them how many people are in your node.
  11. So... did you already try to tweak it? And if you did what settings did you use? Also do you have any firewalls on, if so then turn them off?
  12. Well... looks like your speed look fine to me. You are saying that your advertised speed's is 1Mbps and your Download Stats are showing me that your at your advertised speed.
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