I have gotten my new DGL-4300 and it is working extremely better than the first one. Now I am able to connect wirelessly to my laptop and Game Fuel works way better. The uplink measurement is more accurate... I will post some pics of it later on. It is one of the best routers out their right now for gamers.
I like all those also, I like friends, 8 Simple Rules which is new, Bernie Mac, and... can't think of others. And King of Queens is also my all time favorite.
Their is programs you can get that tell you how much bandwidth you have used in one day and it keeps a records of it. If you get a little more Gig's than your monthly limitation I'm pretty sure they won't tell you anything but if get like 20 Gig's more than the limitation I'm pretty sure they'll charge you.
Talking about that, when I had gamefuel on it would decrease my upload by half. I was talking to Van since he has one and gamefuel didnt slow him as much as it did me.
Well guys It looks like my DGL-4300 came defective. So... I have to use my crappy linksys again and have to wait once again for another router to arrive.
I'm so excited guy's! I am awaiting for my D-Link DGL-4300 to arrive so I can get into some serious gaming. Any kind of feedback on this router please don't hesitate to post.