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Everything posted by REV0LUTI0NIZED

  1. So you have to be direct connected for it to work? I'll try it tomorrow, me going to sleep.
  2. It was released yesterday during the night i ran by it. Performes better than Beta 2 on my end.
  3. It's been fixed today. :::.. Upload Stats ..::: Upload Connection is:: 549 Kbps about 0.5 Mbps (tested with 5983 kB) Upload Speed is:: 67 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Server 1) Test Time:: 2006/10/31 - 8:09am Bottom Line:: 10X faster than 56K 1MB Upload in 15.28 sec Tested from a 5983 kB file and took 89.36 seconds to complete Upload Diagnosis:: May need help : running at only 80.74 % of your hosts average (cox.net) U-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-16NPLQXBE User Agent:: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1) [!]
  4. Seem's to be working better, I used to get 560 - 574kbps on the upload. Just a bit slower than before. :::.. testmy.net test results ..::: Download Connection is:: 7662 Kbps about 7.66 Mbps (tested with 12160 kB) Download Speed is:: 935 kB/s Upload Connection is:: 542 Kbps about 0.5 Mbps (tested with 1013 kB) Upload Speed is:: 66 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net (Server 1) Test Time:: 2006/10/31 - 6:46am D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-VJ8BT2GHA U-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-WB3K2S4VQ User Agent:: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1) [!]
  5. I haven't seen any issues with the download test but I have seen issues with the upload test giving me inaccurate results. :::.. Upload Stats ..::: Upload Connection is:: 617 Kbps about 0.6 Mbps (tested with 1496 kB) Upload Speed is:: 75 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Server 1) Test Time:: 2006/10/30 - 7:05pm Bottom Line:: 11X faster than 56K 1MB Upload in 13.65 sec Tested from a 1496 kB file and took 19.86 seconds to complete Upload Diagnosis:: 90% + Okay : running at 90.74 % of your hosts average (cox.net) U-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-YE58UOXK9 User Agent:: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727) [!]
  6. I still keep getting inaccurate upload results.
  7. Run cmd tracert www.testmy.net enter
  8. He is pinging/ tracerouting www.testmy.net Tracing route to testmy.net [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms 2 6 ms 8 ms 6 ms 3 7 ms 7 ms 7 ms 4 9 ms 6 ms 7 ms 5 7 ms 7 ms 7 ms 6 6 ms 6 ms 7 ms chnddsrj02-ae2.rd.ph.Cox.net [] 7 8 ms 9 ms 8 ms chndbbrj02-ge020.rd.ph.Cox.net [] 8 35 ms 33 ms 32 ms dllsbbrj01-so000.rd.dl.Cox.net [] 9 34 ms 32 ms 33 ms dllsbbrj02-ae0.rd.dl.Cox.net [] 10 33 ms 31 ms 33 ms et2-25.ibr05.dllstx3.theplanet.com [ 5] 11 33 ms 30 ms 33 ms vl31.dsr02.dllstx3.theplanet.com [] 12 32 ms 31 ms 34 ms vl42.dsr02.dllstx4.theplanet.com [] 13 31 ms 31 ms 32 ms gi1-0-2.car17.dllstx4.theplanet.com [ 5] 14 33 ms 33 ms 33 ms 55.b3.1243.static.theplanet.com [] Trace complete.
  9. I think the Motorola modems are more superior. Ive had a Terayon modem, Scientific Atlanta modem, D-Link modem, and Motorola is by far the best out of all those, in my experience.
  10. I'm still getting unaccurate upload results. :::.. Upload Stats ..::: Upload Connection is:: 754 Kbps about 0.8 Mbps (tested with 1496 kB) Upload Speed is:: 92 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Server 1) Test Time:: 2006/10/30 - 1:21pm Bottom Line:: 13X faster than 56K 1MB Upload in 11.13 sec Tested from a 1496 kB file and took 16.243 seconds to complete Upload Diagnosis:: Looks Great : 10.72 % faster than the average for host (cox.net) U-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-3LN5KRBF0 User Agent:: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727) [!]
  11. It's on my laptop and run's a bit more slower than usual so I just want to take it off.
  12. This is what i used to install vista http://www.filehippo.com/download_daemon_tools/ I'm just going to factory restore it.
  13. Thats what I used and worked.
  14. I used Daemon tools to install it.
  15. Do any of you guys know how to unistall vista from a computer?
  16. Go to a buddies house that has true broadband and change it over their.
  17. Change the routers IP address, Instead of change it too (or any other).
  18. I think the upload test have been having issues. I'm pretty its not an upgrade.
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