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Everything posted by jandee14

  1. CNUT 3.11r2 and Canopy Release Notes v9.0 is out and available on http://motorola.motowi4solutions.com/software/: Highlights of Canopy Release 9.0: * For PMP 100/200 Series (FSK) APs and SMs * For PTP 100 Series (FSK) BHs * Not for PMP 400 and PTP 200 (OFDM) radios * Increased performance * PPPoE (Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet) client in SM * Link Status table ("sector-at-a-glance") on AP * Remote Spectrum Analyzer * Alignment Tool page on SMs FYI
  2. This is done without a proxy. Just read some of the stuff here at testmy.net and you'll learn a lot.
  3. http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=24409.msg282314;topicseen#new
  4. This is using a proxy.
  5. Here are my results using Freegate: Thanks!
  6. You have two choices: 1. Override plug. 2. Search topics here at TMN on how to reset your canopy.
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