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Everything posted by lorne

  1. swimmer That is wicked Thanks for the post and the info Think i'll run tubes of that stuff through my gaming room
  2. Swimmer That is the shit That is what i am going to do, do tou know where i can find info on liquid cooling. Glowing liquid in my comp unbelievable
  3. lorne

    LAN Setup..

    I agree to I own a gay station, and am switching to x-box also
  4. Yeah thats what I figured lol
  5. lorne

    Thanks CA3LE GUY

    Yeah that dude is building a kick ass computer
  6. Jevattmynt What are your download speeds like
  7. Microwave Never used to stay up this late but ever since I found this site I haven't been able to help myself That would be cool if you could find that info on the water cooling. Tweeking the night away ::: Download Stats ::: Connection is: 3011 kbps about 3 Mbps (tested with 1496 KB) Download Speed is: 368 Kb/sec Auth Code: 2045166 (validate a http://www.testmy.net) Bottom Line: 54 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 2.78 second(s) Validation Link :: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/auth_check.cgi?top=&ta=&num=2045166&kbps=3011&gen=gen&a=4&b=0&c=1145.14285714286 ::: Download Stats ::: Connection is: 2754 kbps about 2.8 Mbps (tested with 1496 KB) Download Speed is: 336 Kb/sec Auth Code: 2041311 (validate a http://www.testmy.net) Bottom Line: 49 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 3.05 second(s) Validation Link :: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/auth_check.cgi?top=&ta=&num=2041311&kbps=2754&gen=gen&a=4&b=0&c=1145.14285714286 ::: Download Stats ::: Connection is: 3285 kbps about 3.3 Mbps (tested with 1496 KB) Download Speed is: 401 Kb/sec Auth Code: 2049276 (validate a http://www.testmy.net) Bottom Line: 59 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 2.55 second(s) Validation Link :: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/auth_check.cgi?top=&ta=&num=2049276&kbps=3285&gen=gen&a=4&b=0&c=1145.14285714286
  8. Microwave Liquid it will be then, is there different types I have only seen one kind liquid nitrogen i think Curious George
  9. Now with these wd raptors Raid 0 will fans do the trick or am i going liquid cooled
  10. lorne

    speed guide?

    Microwave Many thanks to you, that was really starting to piss me off Reseting the modem did the trick
  11. lorne

    No ping

    Microwave Yeah I do get free technical assistance from my IP, But with this problem I phone when it happens and by the time i get through it's back to normal.So they tell me to phone back when it happens again and so on and so on.They are usually pretty cool though.Thanks for the help
  12. lorne

    speed guide?

    Microwave Didn't sound stupid at all, I reset computer but can't remember if i reset modem
  13. lorne

    No ping

    Microwave Well when my connection slows to a stop and i ping the only thing it says is unknown server or host
  14. lorne

    speed guide?

    Microwave www.speedguide.net It reaaly is magic
  15. lorne

    No ping

    Microwave Trying to ping the address my IP gave me they said that's where my signal go's first.
  16. lorne

    speed guide?

    Microwave What do you mean post a link
  17. lorne

    big problem

    Microwave Yeah must be that cause I defragged about a week ago. Thanks you just saved me a bunch of pointless tweeking
  18. lorne

    speed guide?

    Microwave I just tried again and no go with speedguide and dsl.reports
  19. lorne

    No ping

    For tracert "over a maximum of 30 hops" is that what you mean
  20. lorne

    No ping

    Microwave I just ran a tracert from DOS and first hop was my address, my IP is shaw cable.
  21. lorne

    No ping

    WEIRD After I'm connected for awhile my connection slows to a stop and i'm stuck where I'm at. When i ping my IP i get back unknown server or host. Do you know what thats all about
  22. lorne

    No ping

    I was pinging the wrong place Now i'll do it right and see if i can get some more speed outa this old girl Thanks Microwave
  23. lorne

    Thanks CA3LE GUY

    Yeah I can't see how it wouldn't, I knew this was the shizzit as soon as I seen it
  24. Hover Car This is the primary family vehicle, it comes in a variety of different shapes and forms, some being faster others being capable of carrying more people or cargo. File: [GVD] Vehicle Class: Hover Car Vehicle Type: Standard family model Tech Level: 13 Size: 196.61 cubic feet Mass: 0.5 tons empty, 0.8 tons fully loaded. Cost: $40,000 Crew: One, plus room for up to four passengers Cargo: 20 cubic feet. Armour: Overall - (PD 4, DR 20, metal) Armament: None Power System: 16.23 kW solar cell array and four rechargeable E cells Propulsion: Vectored 2,000 lb super reactionless thruster and a contragravity generator. Performance: Hovering - 175 mph at 2 feet, 5 mph/s acceleration, 22 mph/s deceleration; Flying - 385 mph, 25 mph/s acceleration, 22 mph/s deceleration; Space - 27.38 mph/s acceleration (1.25 G's). Average endurance is 8 hours. There it is haha ha
  25. Sweet So which one is faster: The Maxtor Atlas 10K IV: Transfer spd:72 Mb/sec capacity: Up to 147.1 GB WD Raptor: Transfer:1,200 Mbits/sec=140Mb/sec Did I do my math right Capacity: 74 GB
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