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Everything posted by rotoruda

  1. ... and here's my upload for 768.
  2. Here's what I'm getting with the 6000/768 in Boston.
  3. Here's my NEW upload from Comcast .. best I've EVUH had
  4. Well, these are my NEW COMCAST download speeds (BOSTON), which make me wanna take time to pause and say "GODDAMN, I SAY" (from Pulp Fiction, Uma).
  5. I was just showing off my non-techie abilities when I said I understood everything going on.
  6. I understood everything that is transpiring between Cable and the Rev ( .... yeah, right
  7. Sorry ... but I don't see these 2 talked about buttons for smite AND applaud in the areas pointed out.
  8. Gotta hand it to you guys ..... I changed those settings in the "SERVICES" section (Indexing and Messenger) both to "disable" and I can't believe how much faster my programs EXPLODE open instead of the feet dragging drudgery I hace experienced in the past.
  9. I found a note on the front window of the program in the Message Center box stating that "This version of Microsoft Antispyware expires July 31, 2005.
  10. Sorry I never got back to you, bamatide.
  11. I guess I should have worded my post a little differently for better clearity, s1.
  12. Yeah, I just had to try it myself after reading all of your results thus far.
  13. The big "53" on Feb 10. OY VEY!! :shock: It pays to be young at heart, though
  14. Well, I knew I would be wasting my time waiting for all of you to pass the hat around to collect enuff $$$$ for my new car
  15. Sorry ...... I didn't realize I had left my webcam on
  16. Thank you for the suggestion. I have given the game back to the person I purchased it from and have moved on from there. I've already got the "modern" Larry game for 32 bit that actually works with XP. A person can just try soooooooo many ways of making a square fit into a round hole, ya know? Take care.
  17. I agree, Mr. Hahn. So it's BACK to where it came from and next time, I'll double check the OS requirements b/4 leaping. Thank you all for the assistance. Frikkin' games!!!
  18. Wingzero, I can't get passed the original install screen. I get one screen asking if I want to continue the install and then "BOINK!!" ....... the error message pops up telling me where to go and how fast. In other words, I haven't even been able to do the install yet. I appreciate all the help, gents. I did try that compatability trick on the SETUP.EXE file on the CD, just in case I could fool my machine that way, but with no change. I actually tried all of the modes that XP allowed me to try. I just feel that there is something I'm missing that may let the computer play in 16 BIT mode. I'm going to keep checking troubleshooting and help to find the crystal ball.
  19. The outside of the box states these games are for WIN 95 / 3.1 with a minimum requirement of 486 or higher, 2X CD ROM, 8 MB RAM, 5 MB of free HD space,, 256 colors, VGA and mouse. There is an MS-DOS CD (MS-DOS 5.0+) also included (2 CDs total) with the same requirements. I'm not sure if this is the most updated game or if it's 32 bit. I tried the MS-DOS CD and got the same error message as before. This is called the "COLLECTION SERIES" with 5 full games included. I have a gut feeling that this won't work with XP. I do have 2 hard drives, but my OS is on C: and I use D: as a backup only. I may just have to return this to whom I purchased it from.
  20. 16 bit Windows Subsystem C:WindowsSystem32|Autoexec.NT. The system File is not suitable for running MS-DOS and Microsft Windows Applications. This is the "error" message I get when I try to install a game called Leisure Suit Larry. I tried installing from DOS, but that doesn't help, either. Does anybody know of any tricks to make this game work on Windows XP? I'm sure the 32 bit XP is the cause of this problem.
  21. .... and I started to get excited for you, too. Oh, well ....... cheater .... lololol!!!!!!
  22. Yahoo has just raised their email amount to 250 MB, too. ..... as of Monday
  23. OH, SHIT!!! I'm Fitty Two!! (52 to you younguns)
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