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Everything posted by Indestructable

  1. I just acquired a copy yesterday, and i got French I + II language files for it. As I am also in High School french 1, I figured that it couldn't hurt. Whoa!! I already have learned more in about 20 minutes than we learned the first week of school!! Really, this is amazing, and it's pretty easy too. Really, it's for sure worth looking into if you want to learn a language quickly. Got any *ahem* questions, PM me and i'll hook ya up, umm, as in technical support i mean.. Lemme know if you've used this anyone..it's pretty sweet from what I can see..
  2. Yea, ROM is a great guy...i gotta say
  3. Anyone use this? Mini.opera.com..its a j2me app, and in fact im posting this topic (on my phone) in it, and it rocks! It compresses the page and cuts the data in half and its totally html compliant! Really sweet!
  4. okey, then it's my 600 MHz puter that i'm on...lol...
  5. Hey CA3LE, is there anyway you can make the menu's pop up instantly when you float over them? it may just be the computer i'm on, but it would make it easier to use...thanks
  6. hey, i'm getting the same message on my pentium d (yes, dual core) 3.0 GHz machine, and it won't f***ing tell me my system rating...lol
  7. well, he obviously know that, i think he was just asking...lol..
  8. i sense new, more powerful motherboards coming in the very near future that fully support these IBM chips, because it's simple: people want power, and by seeing what mac has done with the G5 is enough for me to go out and buy me one of the new ones just to put XP (or vista, haha) on it.
  9. yup, that would be cool, a 5 ghz lappy...yay...
  10. my god that's fast.
  11. okey, 1st, AMD's are the best, and second, more memory is always good!
  12. omfg people are idiots, I mean, video drivers? whoa.
  13. HAha, we can always use some English humour (lol, i spelled it with an extra u!) around here, feel free to bombard us with it~!
  14. a pineapple use either: www.netsack.net ( <-memorize that, i did, my school blocks netsack.net, but not their ip or www.projectbypass.com ( <- i don't have that one memorized, because netsack is better, but netsack still passes through that site. anyway, i really haven't had any luck getting to myspace through either, i just do it at home, but there are entire site listing of anonymose proxys, like this one: http://proxy.org/cgi_proxies.shtml and from that site i found: www.perfectproxy.com ( and phproxy.info ( Enjoy!
  15. omfg, they charge $229 to put a new operating system on a computer??! holy sh*t, i'm not going to, but someone should f'ing hack that site...that's a load of bull
  16. Yea, haha, that article is complete bull, so don't pay attention to it. Instead.... Post around here more Welcome to the forums!
  17. Well, it's all alot of bull, because i once watched this poor woman at BB look devestated as the guy showed her and himself the Windows blue screen telling her that the HIMEM.sys or some important system file was gone, then when she asks the (dumass) if her stuff is going to be lost, he simply tells her that there is no way to get it back. NOW: I can think of 3 (three) ways to get her crap off of there, do it for free, and do it right. Plus, i can reinstall windows XP for her using the serial number i have memorized. all for free, not some $ 80 they want to charge her....
  18. an ad for Lenscrafters?
  19. Yea, that is hilarious, considering your Lappy has a Athlon 64 in 'er...lol
  20. Haha, yea, i suppose i should let that parent, umm, i mean idiot know that that's complete and utter b$, i mean, c'mon, my DoS attacks usually don't take anywhere near as long as that, sh*t, i just have the computer do it, put it on autopilot. guess i shouldn't bring up whats in my "Important Programs" folder, or this guy will go apesh*t
  21. lol, idk, IE 7 does sound kinda, very slightly tempting, but ya know what? I really like my Deer Park Alpha 2
  22. Hey, thanks man, i'll check that out.
  23. :haha: :haha: That's great!
  24. Yea, it really is pretty cool, i use the DVD version, 4.0.2 (as i said) to be exact, and it's pretty cool. I'm currently running (i have DVD's of both 4.0.1 and 4.0.2) 4.0.2 on an HP with a dead HDD, and 4.0.1 on an AMD Duron mobo without a HDD (died also). Knoppix autodetects everything. Internet, USB, 1394 Firewire, etc, etc...really cool... If you want to try it out (i'm sure you do now!! ) just head over to www.knoppix.com and download a copy for yourself. Please let me note: It never touches your hard drive! So, all you have to do is start the pc with the cd or dvd inserted into the drive, and your computer will boot into a completely different operating system (Linux-KDE desktop by default) COMPLETELY OFF THE CD!!. When your done, you don't (really) even have to properly turn it off. Anyway, i highly encourage everyone to check it out, knoppix is cool!
  25. this is the funniest sh*t i've ever read, i mean, this guy is a complete idiot!! :evil6: haha, as i was reading this i had a bittorrent of Knoppix 4.0.2 running...omfg, too funny! ( www.knopper.net )
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