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Everything posted by hurricane_floyd

  1. If you are talking about copying movies then DVD Shrink can do it in about an hour plus whatever time it takes to burn a full speed disk on your burner, probably 1 1/2 to 2 hours.
  2. These specs were impressive back in 2000 when it was built. The old man can still hold up pretty good to newer games and programs though. One of these days I'll win the lottery and build a replacement for him. CPU: AMD Athlon Thunderbird 1GHz (@1200). RAM: 768MB PC133 SDRAM Motherboard: ABIT KT7A-Raid, custom patched BIOS. HDD : 2x10GB Quantum Fireballs, 1x40GB WesternDigital. Burners: CD/RW LG GCE 8320B (hacked to 8400B with the HP drives Mt.Rainer capability), DVD/RW Lite On SOHW 832S Custom patched firmware Video : MSI 128MB Geforce4 Titanium4400 with VIVO. Sound: Aureal Vortex2 patched to work properly with Windows XP. Modem: An old ZOOM ISA Lucent based faxmodem, good for the dial-up days and linux. Network: 3Com Etherlink XL TX NIC
  3. What the heck is a Pentium 1.5Hz ???? I found it, those had a PentiumMMX-150Mhz in em.
  4. what is your advertised upload speed ? 45kBs should be about 350Kbs.
  5. That has nothing to do with your burner. All video encoding programs take a loong time on typical home systems. They have to re-encode 25 or 30 frames per each second of video, if they are doing a very good speed of 10 frames per second then it will take 3 times as long to encode as the video legnth is, 1 hour of video = 3 hours encoding. Some programs are a little better than others, I reccomend Tsunami MPEG Encoder (TMPG Enc), Google it.
  6. Has anybody had a problem with firefox v1.0.4 freezing and/or crashing. Seems like every Firefox update is a little more like IE.
  7. The flash animation is waaay too big, and its so complex only high end systems are gonna be able to run it without a glitch. You need to accept a much broader array of connection speeds and systems. I have seen better looking flash interfaces at a fraction of the size.
  8. no problem
  9. I dont think many dial-up users come in here.
  10. I dont think Power Producer can decrypt and shrink DVD movies, you must be misinformed.
  11. I dont know, anybody think he may be having a problem with the 4GB barrier because of Win98SE using FAT32?
  12. Actually DVD Shrink uses parts of Nero to burn to disk, it cant burn if you dont already have the correct version of Nero installed. If his version of Nero cant burn by itself then DVD Shrink wont be able to use it either. Also the combination of DVD Decrypter and DVD Shrink require 12-16GB of HDD space for the exact same process that can be done with DVD Shrink alone and only requires 4-8GB of HDD space.
  13. Does your software that came with the burner have any way to create a DVD Video disk, if so all you need to do is point it to the files that DVD Shrink made and it should be as functional as Nero.
  14. I think your version of Nero is too old to detect your burner, you are gonna have to update. Did you not get any software with the DVD burner? I am not sure about 98SE and newer Nero.
  15. Uh... if ya want to burn DVDs you actually have to have this thing called a DVD Burner. Seperate image recorders for CD and DVD is from a pretty old version of Nero if I am not mistaken, and is that Windows 98?
  16. If I Google mine it mostly comes back with pages about the storm, rarely I'll get a few links to old posts on other sites (I use a similar name most places on the web).
  17. I picked up an old MSI Nvidia Geforce4 Ti4400 on eBay for about $40, it kicks butt and lets my 5 year old system play almost all of the newest games.
  18. No, you need to flip the box down to your actual DVD Burner, NOT the image recorder, it is a virtual burner to make disk images with (*.nrg, *.iso). Also, I have no idea what the mystery winamp icon and audio is that appears to be burnt to your disk but you obviously have something mixed up with which disk drive is which or something.
  19. Its probably related to the very slow DWay upload speeds, as download and upload do coincide a little with the BT protocol.
  20. At the top of Nero you will see a drop down scroll box with a list of your burners in it, it also has the "Nero Image recorder" listed in it, just flip it down to your DVD burner and everything should work then.
  21. VIDEO_TS and AUDIO_TS folders right?. You need to create a new DVD Video compilation in Nero, then drop the VIDEO_TS folder into it, the AUDIO_TS is usually only used in uncommon DVD Audio (music) disks.
  22. I am a Lite-On fan myself, so I would say it is the best one for reasons too numerous to mention here. Some Sonys are made by Lite-On too.
  23. testing..... password [snip] passage testing... edited for profanity
  24. Just check all the boxes after you get to the checkdisk tool for the drive, windows will scan the drive next time you boot. It may be a driver problem, did she install any new devices just before the problem happened?
  25. Go with the Sony......
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