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Posts posted by dlewis23

  1. I downloaded the windows vista beta 1 and i have to say nice job microsoft. The setup is so easy a blind monkey could do it. once you get into windows, it takes some getting use to all the new UI, espically the transparency effect. But once you get use to it, you'll really like it alot. As far as speed goes, if you have a decent processor this thing is fucken fast. i tested it on my back up 1GHz P3 when i first downloaded it, and it was usable but not fast like it should be. Also you need a modertly fast GPU to render the amazing graphics, and effects that microsoft put in there.

    No wonder it took 5 years of develpoment to get this product out.

    nice job microsoft.

  2. I am making a new webserver for my self, and i would like to try a new server program. And i would like to know if anyone know of a good webserver program that runs on windows, works with PHP, and has a good web control panel.


  3. I have been with 5 different webhosts, other then the one im at know.






    The one im at now is http://vizaweb.com and they are by far the best. for $9.95 a month hears what you get...

    Megabytes of disk space 2,000 MB's

    Gigabytes of bandwidth 100 GB's

    Email accounts Unlimited

    Sub Domains (sub.domain.com) Unlimited

    MySQL DataBases Unlimited

    FTP accounts Unlimited

    Parked domains Unlimited

    Free Shared SSL Certificate Yes

    Fantastico Yes

    High Power Server Yes

    Customer Account Area Yes

    Phone Support Yes

    And they offer so much more. Also very very fast Quad P4 System's

    check it out.

  4. isnt 100Gbps in Hong Kong already for only 200/month USD. Only reason I say only is that verizon FiOS 30/5 package is 200 a month.

    Thers no 100GBPS connection avaiable in hong kong. They most likely don't even have 20gbps going to the entire city. Las Vegas NV, only has 1.3GBPS serving the entire city. and over 900,000 people are with in the city limits at one time.

    and my guess is we will have 1-2GBPS internet connection for most people.

  5. Mystik_MDS your problem is your SNR is to high. Call comcast and have them send a guy out he is going to hook up this control panel direct to your cable line and change a few settings, then he should give you a directline splitter so the modem thinks its the only thing on that line. But you will still be able to split it to one other thing. I had the same problem but my SNR was even higher around 40 it needs to be around 31-34DB

  6. ChrisR i live around whare you live and be expecting FIOS in late octoberearly november in most areas. The reason its taking so long is verizon is trying to get spectrum from the city of palm beach, and a grope of people that keep giving some B.S reason why they don't want the fiber in there back yard. But last week the got approved for most of the city :D so now its just a matter of time.

  7. I live in south Florida, and from the little that i saw over that past 2 days, north Florida is going to get hit bad. And i know what getting hit bad by a hurricane is, Last year during Frances i lost power for 3 weeks, 3 windows and a shit load of screening off the patio. My neighbor lost his car and his roof his house. So i know what north Florida is going to get.

  8. Adelphia HSI in west boca is alsome. I have the 6mb/768KB connect and check out these speeds.

    :::.. Download Stats ..:::

    Connection is:: 6987 Kbps about 7 Mbps (tested with 5983 kB)

    Download Speed is:: 853 kB/s

    Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server1)

    Test Time:: Mon Jul 4 10:37:36 EDT 2005

    Bottom Line:: 125X faster than 56K 1MB download in 1.2 sec

    Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 119.37 % faster than the average for host (adelphia.net)

    Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-4D05ZYUGK

    :::.. Upload Stats ..:::

    Connection is:: 888 Kbps about 0.9 Mbps (tested with 1013 kB)

    Upload Speed is:: 108 kB/s

    Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server1)

    Test Time:: Mon Jul 4 10:37:57 EDT 2005

    Bottom Line:: 16X faster than 56K 1MB upload in 9.48 sec

    Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 112.95 % faster than the average for host (adelphia.net)

    Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-UBZH82SE4

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