NA' I dont think so' i never look for porn and i reformatted my computer and wiped my drive clean' there were no traces of anything on my computer at all' lol' so much for that.
I Simply turn on automatic updates on and forget about it' what about FF does it have Automatic Updates on FF cause you are still using windows' or FF doesn't need windows updates?
Before i get called i hater i just want to clear things up before that happens' I'm not a hater' I'm very bored and i like to e-argue but in good fun' since i don't really take things seriously when it comes to the internet. If i offend some of you' I apologize and just so all of you know I don't meant it'........ Lets have fun and e- argue about what browser is better' lol' i think FF is pretty good and even better than IE in some things...
I know it sounds dumb but i learned one important thing when it come to the INTERNET'
I leaned not to take things too serious, especially if its supposed to be a joke' :haha:
BTW what you FF users say about IE makes me laught too' I like IE as much as you like FF no harm with that is there?
I know why!! haven't you heard the women are always right' They are wiser when it comes to protecting what its theirs and always know what is safe for their interests' always trust a woman's instinct' in this case she knows IE is better.
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Just leave it the way it is' on my c drive i had 14 GB's and i was using about 12and it slowed down my computer so much i just got rid of the D: pertition and now i have a single 120 GB system drive and believe it my computer never slows down' i also have a storage drive with 250GB's my computer is great the way it is'