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Everything posted by monsnet2k8

  1. I completely agree.......... i know theres going to be some bad apples' but hey comparing to those other places this is by far the best community to be a part of.
  2. I know that there is no such thing as freedom of speech on the forums and i also now that if you dont like watching a channel change to the next one ' right' same as here if anyone is not happy on this site they have the freedom to choose between staying on or leaving but comparing to other forums this is the Brady Bunch od them all and i love it.... Here is a sample of what goes on on other sites and its allowed' i hate that site or the forums paart of it. edit....... please remove this reply if the picture is too offensive..... i mean i know it is but just to show people how bad it is elsewhere... Picture removed. Some people may find it offensive
  3. I must admit i voted and honestly if someone is going to cause drama on a site by being rude or just being mean to others' well what can i say'
  4. Sounds like a 007 film or MisSion Impossible........
  5. Check this out......... http://www.nbc4.com/technology/3734965/detail.html
  6. Enough said..........
  7. Bringing this one back since today is the fourth anniversary of that day America stood still' Where Were You or What Were You Doing on 9/11/2001?
  8. Thanx' i love Photoshop Airbrushing'
  9. here's my version'
  10. its been on tv too' watch the discovery channel and the history channel along with the national geographic channel...........
  11. I live in America'
  12. true.... i made a sample
  13. oh my bad i misunderstood...... i hope this one helps' it saved as PNG fornat'
  14. try using YAHOO
  15. On episode YESTERDAY'S ENTERPRISE on TNG Worf was given Prune Juice and he said it was warriors blood.......... add alcohol to the Prune Juice and you have WARRIORS BLOOD'
  16. I didn't have to reformat' i have a new program that did wonders for me' Paragon Hard Disk Manager 5.5 did the trick for me' i restored my deleted partition and wiped the free space from my system. now im able to restore and do system recovery' I had a bad script and other things i was not aware of...... im a happy camper now/ thanx ya'all for your support.
  17. I been waching the news and no wonder why terrorists envy America united..... the compassion of the people in this country makes America the greatest country in the world......... i can't say enough as i watch and keep watching what its citizens are doing to help those in need' God Bless America and God Bless those that make the United States what it is today ...............
  18. my computer is running great but i need to refresh my computer so i can run my original programs and be able to do a system recovery....
  19. not yet' i cant do system restores or work my giga pocket tv viewer.....
  20. Active@ Eraser i found this one from that link' im going to trty it......... Thanx for the help and if theres other programs keep posting' thanx'
  21. i need the best there is....... i need to wipe it clean and start fresh' i have wipe drive pro trial but i dont have any floppy bootable disks... i need something that can be cd bootable
  22. I need help finding the best HD cleaner to wipe my HD and start all over.........
  23. yahoo all the way...... by choice' also my default search engine'
  24. More than a few of us that have a 6MB connection and complain about it always wanting more and more... im waitting for FIOS myself..... its funny how we want higher speeds when theres more than a few that can't even get their hands on DSL...................
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