Damn i wonder what would you be doing if you were in the same situation? looters that steal food to survive in a place where theres no help yet seems reasonable to me. But looters that are taking electronics and things that are not needed to survive in a disaster zone need to be punished..........
What is going on in New Orleans with the lack of hellp? when it come to disasters and wars the US is always there first response' but what happened in the KATRINA
I filled up my tank last night at $2.69 and it just went up 4 cents in the past 2 weeks' (CALI) Prices should go down since school is back and the summer rush is almost gone' (less travelers on the road)
Todays score' no need to hit back'
:::.. Download Stats ..:::
Connection is:: 17001 Kbps about 17 Mbps (tested with 12160 kB)
Download Speed is:: 2075 kB/s
Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server2)
Test Time:: Sun Aug 28 00:47:55 PDT 2005
Bottom Line:: 304X faster than 56K 1MB download in 0.49 sec
Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 358.74 % faster than the average for host (adelphia.net)
Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-70S8IATEJ
well good or bad idea i hope it works' My first day here was funny since i didnt't know about the cached tests' i posted my results that ofcourse were exagerated and thought they were real' but after seeing so many people making threads about that and they keep doing it, its not funny anymore telling them ( cached ) I
To any of you that has ridiculous test results (cached ) post your scores here' and don't post them on other threads as they belong on this thread...... i have done it before but i didn't know it was cached' if you are getting better than twice your ISP advertised speeds you need to post here. Thanx (My Opinion)
Im glad that happened' they would not let me go for a long time always offering extra free months until i told them enough is enough and they let me go after almost a year'
when did you make that mistake and allowed all that spyware in? its not the best solution but try doing a sytem restore and go back a a day or two before the mistake happened..... it will remove all of it as it never happened'
as sson as shrink gets to out of date and theres no more updates for it it will become useless' in the other hand ANYDVD is up to date and can copy anything in the market today'