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  • Speed Test

    My Results

Everything posted by MUff1N

  1. Yea...I wondered if it was a anomaly or a glitch in the test so I retested it about 4 times and it came up about the same each time...now tomorrow maybe a different story... This ISP has been a roller coaster ride ever since I've had it...but Up here in the mountains where I live (14,000 Pop) you only got 2 choices for dial up...and 2 for broadband...LOL :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 54 Kbps about 0.1 Mbps (tested with 97 kB) Download Speed is:: 7 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server2) Test Time:: Mon Nov 07 2005 21:34:43 GMT-0700 (US Mountain Standard Time) Bottom Line:: 1X faster than 56K 1MB download in 146.29 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 25.58 % faster than the average for host (cybertrails.com) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-O4T6Y9DVR
  2. I guess I was right about my ISP working on upgrading their servers...I've had a lot of problems with them over the last couple of week...so I went to check my speed today to get an idea of how it was doing today....(Keep in mind this is dial up) Whoa...what a difference from 38kbs...
  3. If you're wondering how I came up with the input fields on CableNut...I went to http://www.j79zlr.com/cablenutXP2k.php and used their calculator, and tweaked it from there for my online gaming... I'm sure now that its my ISP because I was able to play a couple of rounds before it froze up...so I would imagine they're upgrading, or working on their servers... Update: Yep...that's what they were doing...I can now play online again...still...man...took a week to fix....
  4. I'm on dial up, and play RTCW all the time...if you have only those 2 choices, then go dial up...because your ping will be better...I average 250 ping...not to mention Sat is going to cost you tons more...but the bottom line is this...BOTH suck for on line gaming...
  5. Here's the problem; Whenever I connect to our server (or any game server for that matter) for the first 30-45 seconds it's fine. Then I start loosing packets, then it goes to the point where I'm loosing more packets than sending and receiving and my ping goes from 245 to 999!!! (mind you I'm on dial up) Everything else is fine...connecting to websites, sending and receiving files, posting on websites like this one etc...I don't think it's anything I've done in Cablenut registry settings that would cause this and my suspicions are that it's my ISP that's causing this..but I just want to make sure that I'm not missing something...and Yes, I even uninstalled and reinstalled my modem drivers...no go.. These are my current Cablenut settings...they worked fine for a long time until a week ago on gaming servers... Upload speed is 24kbs, & download is 42kbs using a V92 Dialup modem.
  6. I would show you the hml format but this forum won't let you... I use Photobucket to host my sigs, avatars, and other stuff...
  7. MUff1N

    Spyware Balster

    No it also monitor exe Processes for changes as well...just like MS agent does...the way I figure it is...if one don't catch it, the others will...
  8. MUff1N

    Spyware Balster

    I use a combination of anitspyware... 1.SpywareBlaster 2.MicrosoftAntispyware 3.Ad-Aware 1.06 Pro (with ad-watch) 3.Spybot S & D. With the combination of these, I haven't had any spyware for a long, long time...
  9. You know you can always go here http://www.j79zlr.com/cablenutXP2k.php and make your own ...as long as you know your up/dwn...
  10. Definitely Mozilla Browser Suite
  11. My personal favorite is KasperskyLab Anti-Hacker. You have to pay a few bucks for it but it works great, doesn't interfere with gaming connection or anything else..Of course it will ask the first time when a program goes to connect to the Internet, then once it creates a rule it's done...
  12. Oh yea...Oops.. LOL....Believe me VanBuren, I've spent hours upon hours trying to get a decent speed outa the piece of .... ISP I have...The average for my Host is only 38 Kbs...LOL..Yea just try to get your shot dialed in with that!!! Thanks again!!! Cholla, I ran in to a problem using your access number...goes like this. I connect just fine, then it trys to connect to my Access number, but it can't because it's password protected...LOL...oops..Yea I have Cybertrails.com...it's pretty much a local number in the Extreme southwest, and one of the only Dialup ISP's I can get in the tiny town of 14,000 up here in the Mountains.. Hey, I tried...that's unless you know a work around for it...
  13. And why am I to do this when my connect and speed is already the best it can be??? You're not making yourself clear at all about the whole thing...why should I want to do diagnostics on my system that's working fine? Give me reason for going through this..has to be at least one good one...
  14. Never even heard of Hyperterminal till now.. "Still do you have Hyperterminal? The number is toll free.I haven't been able to get someone to try it & tell me if it works for other than a SBC phoneline." Uhmm not to sound stupid, but what toll free number are you talking about??? and the other question is ME also has Hyperterminal...so what are you asking me to do exacly? You lost me on this one..
  15. Yep 8192 did the trick!!! It's no longer intermittent, and at 10% faster than my Hosts average!!! So now I'm 10% faster both ways up/dwn Thank you!!!
  16. Yea Cholla, it is V92 and my ISP does support it along with MPPC compression.....the only problem I have is on the upload...it drops from 3kbs to 2kbs...I'm going to give Vanburen's suggestions a try...I'm already 10% faster than my Host's average..so I don't want to change any settings that's not nessecary. Also my gaming connection has a good data stream the doesn't drop many packets.. Thanks VanBuren, I'll give that a try and post back to let you know the out come.
  17. Of course you should be here! This website is called "Test My Net", not Test my Cable... I'm also on dialup as well, but by using Cablenut Adjuster I've been able to go 5-10% faster than the Average of my Host...
  18. Do you work for MS or what dude? LOL Btw, you can get their "critical" update from their download center without having autoupdate...
  19. Hmmm...I thought that was why I was trying to help you... But, if you don't want any constructive Ideas and just want a quick fix...then I suggest calling a service tech out to fix the problem at $100 an hr...
  20. Here's a quick easy tip that I want you to remember...I put the main words of your question (Norton Internet Security Wont Uninstall)&(A Norton internet security account supervisor access MUST be logged in to Uninstall this Product) in google an in .03 secs got this result...Try this first....It answers all your questions on "how to" that you asked here.. http://service1.symantec.com/SUPPORT/nip.nsf/docid/2004101207033236?Open&src=&docid=2003111409501936&nsf=nip.nsf&view=docid&dtype=&prod=&ver=&osv=&osv_lvl= (Make sure to "READ" the information they provide on this page before using a utility that they have to uninstall their product!) http://service1.symantec.com/SUPPORT/nav.nsf/docid/2001092114452606 There are many articals on "How to remove Norton" in general on the Internet... I remember I had to use the utility that norton provides to remove their anitvirus...(haven't used norton for security since...I use Kaspersky)
  21. OK...24kbs... His norton Anti virus expired... and he didn't have a Firewall so i downloaded SYGATE Did you bother to "Completely" uninstall Norton Before trying to install Sygate? AntiVirus and or Firewall programs don't like each other when they're not made by the same company...(I'm sure this is by design) Sounds to me like you've got some MAJOR incompatibilities between some programming on the computer... The first thing I would do is... 1.Uninstall Norton. 2. Uninstall Sygate...then reboot... 3. Now, reinstall Sygate and see if the problem remains... (Whatever you do, Do NOT connect the the Internet without Security in place!!!!!) Recent studies have shown that a un-protected computer that connects to the internet is infected with Trojans and viruses within minutes of the connection!
  22. Then I really suggest you do "A LOT" more studying ...about windows and it's operational systems...the more you know the better off you'll be! If you get in to the (unknown zone) too far, you'll be in real trouble in no-time flat... The first things I would learn is, What not to do! (The registry is a big no no for beginners) Second, I would learn more about trouble shooting software issues...(This will give you a lot more insight into where to start looking to solve your problems) I'm by no means an expert...but I do know enough to stay out of areas I know nothing about... First, Always try to find the answer for a problem by yourself ... Microsoft's Knowledge base is a good place to start... (you're more likely to remember the solution to a particular problem if you fixed it yourself)
  23. I'm sorry, but I have to ask this question...24kbs...How "computer savvy" are you? My point being is this...If you really don't know what you're doing...then don't start making changes you won't know how to undo! Mind you, I've (myself , I learn by correcting mistakes) learned a great deal just by fixing the things (settings) I've really screwed up on my computer... (I don't recommend this way of learning unless you like to re-format your Hard Drive alot, or re-install image drive backups...lol) Example: (As for the questions you ask) You keep asking "where do I put these settings for CableNut?" If you took the time to read the "FAQ" on the CableNut website, you wouldn't have to ask that question...(If all else fails, read directions first) I don't know, I could be completely mistaken on this...but it looks like you're just getting in deeper and deeper... I just would like to know if you "really know" what you're doing when you go it and start making changes... You're problem sounds like it might be in admin services...but at this point, I wouldn't recommend you go in there at all!!! (You don't want to turn on or off anything in there if you don't know "exactly" what it does and what other services it effects) Also...There is quite a bit of difference between OS 98SE and XP...so what may work on the 98, may not apply at all on XP....
  24. In all honesty...I hope to god that Mozilla stays around for ever I absolutely "HATE" IE, and love my Mozilla Browser Suite! I'm able to do so much more with this, especially in the customizing department...IE is so limited in that respect.... One mans "Garbage" is another's Treasure... Just try (at best) to cusomize IE like this... http://client.webshots.com/photo/160758288/160758505LEwuUB
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