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Everything posted by Tbrown

  1. Thanx alot reverend! Which kind of ethernet cable should I use...direct patch cable or a cross over cable? And also, what kind of "hub" should I get..would anyone work? Sorry for so many questions...but I just wanna make sure I purchase the right stuff. Thanx again, Travis
  2. Thanx for the reply guys! I called today to upgrade..but I guess they aren't open on the weekends But the reason I'm wantin to upgrade is because I'm wanting to share another computer off the sattelite. I read on the dways' site that they recommend using the 6000, but can it be done with the 4000?
  3. Ya bro..try a larger file. I did the speed check the other day using the medium file and it was like 3500+, then I did the larger file twice and it had me at 1300.
  4. Has anyone upgraded to professional? If so, do they have to install a new dish...And how much do they charge to do that? Also, it's just $20 extra a month right? Thanx, Travis
  5. same....
  6. I recommend Winmx...there's no spyware and there's very few corrupted files, unlike Kazaa
  7. I jus bought a new pc about a month ago and it came with 256 ram..and windows was really slow..so I purchased an extra 512 and its alot faster. So ya, get at least 512.
  8. Well it's been over a week since I did wut you told me...and no problems!! Thanx dude
  9. i guess....
  10. thanx..I'll give that a try..
  11. Every now and then I'll get a message that pops up sayin "Webcast Proxy Server has incountered a problem and needs to close" and I can't browse! Rebooting the computer seems to take care of it...but it still pops up sumtimes. I use direcway..so I was wondering if it was something on their end, or if it was my computer? I don't know what a webcast proxy server is..so I don't know. Thanx...any help would be much appreciated!!
  12. If you do contact them..I'd recommend the live chat...otherwise you'll be on the phone for 2hrs tryin ta figure out what the hell they're saying!!
  13. Ya, them are the settings i'm using. I tried the cablenut tweak at first and it brought me way down to like 125 or sumthin like that. Then I used the settings you gave me... :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 1780 Kbps about 1.8 Mbps (tested with 2992 KB) Download Speed is:: 217 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Bottom Line:: 32 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 4.72 second(s) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=G8ITGGVOB I think I'll stick with them...
  14. Thanx, but I'm actually pretty happy where I'm at now: :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 1639 Kbps about 1.6 Mbps (tested with 2992 KB) Download Speed is:: 200 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Bottom Line:: 29 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 5.12 second(s) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=IW2QJ77H0 Sumtimes it reaches a little over 2000...but it's about average now. But there's probly not much a person can do about the horrible uploading speed tho huh?
  15. Check to see if there's a virus. It could be a number of things causing it..virus, device driver..etc. Have you guys tried the system restore?
  16. Heyyyy..there we go!! Thanx alot dude..that helped out alot :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 2154 Kbps about 2.2 Mbps (tested with 579 KB) Download Speed is:: 263 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Bottom Line:: 38 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 3.89 second(s) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=SRPNJQUL3
  17. Ok..well I deleated the cablenut tweaks..restarted the pc, ran the download test, and this is what I'm getting now! :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 129 Kbps about 0.1 Mbps (tested with 579 KB) Download Speed is:: 16 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Bottom Line:: 2 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 64 second(s) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=RA3UC7JQL Sumthing's definately not right..haha!!
  18. Kool..thanx for the reply bro!! That deleat cablenut tweaks button was right there and didn't even see it..haha!! I've got the 4000 model. But ya, I'll prolly jus keep the settings where there at for now...it might jus be that dway's runnin a little slow today. But thanx again!!
  19. Hi, I just recently downloaded and installed the Cabelnut program and followed the step by step instructions for tweaking my direcway system. Before my connection was anywhere from 1500-2000 Kbps, since I added the tweak file I'm only connecting at 700-900 Kbps. If I were to uninstall the cablenut program would everything be back to the original settings? Any help would be much appreciated!! Thanks
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