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  • Speed Test

    My Results

Everything posted by cyberbeing

  1. Yeah I used more then 40 gigs a month when I was on 1.5Mbps/768 dsl. Trust me I wouldn't have gotten Surewest if I was going to be restricted to 40GB per month. Compared to Verizon's $179 30/5(50/5?) plan 50/50 for $190 isn't bad. I mean where else can you get a 50Mbps symmetrical connection to your home for under $200?
  2. That is wrong. When the 20Mbps plan first rolled out Surewest tech support was just assuming there was a cap. I spent 2 hours on the phone with them when I signed up for it and they finally confirmed that the 20Mbps plan was unlimited. Also that user's post that they are referencing mentions a Power User plan that doesn't even exist with the 20Mbps plan. I was on the Power User plan with a 75GB cap when I was on the 10Mbps plan and when I upgraded to the 20Mbps plan they said there is no longer a Power User plan because it is unlimited. Also the regular price of the 20Mbps plan is about $100 per month ($103.95). That user got mis-information because not one thing he stats is correct. Also look at the screen shot in my previous post. That also shows no cap for the 20Mbps service and clearly shows a 40GB cap for the 10Mbps service.
  3. There is no cap on the 20Mbps service and I really doubt the 50Mbps will. Only the 10Mbps plan has a cap. I upload about 3TB per month on my 20Mbps plan and they know I do and I have never had a problem. I have told you this a few times Blunted 2 why don't you believe me? Its too bad that Surewest really has no competition for these faster speeds. Verizon will never come to Sacramento because they don't own the phones here so right now there is only Comcast with their 8Mbps/768Kbps with powerboost plan. I really hope Surewest doesn't jack up the prices in the future.
  4. News Release: December 13, 2006 UP TO 50 MEGS PER SECOND?! SUREWEST CONTINUES TO BREAK INTERNET SPEED BARRIERS I just got off the phone with a Surewest Rep and it seems that if you have at least two other services (TV,Phone,Cell?) the 50Mbps plan is only $189.95 per month and $259.95 without bundle. They don't have a lot of details yet but the rep is pretty sure that the 50Mbps plan will be unlimited like the 20Mbps plan that I currently have. I will probably try it out for one month at the $189.95 rate to get a taste of 50Mbps/50Mbps out of my home but it's doubtful that I will be able to afford $100 more per month (currently pay $89.95 for 20Mbps) long term.
  5. Well the upload test finishes instantly (split-second), so unless they are only using a 1MB file for the upload test (which seems unlikely considering the speeds they are offering) it is uploading faster than 20Mbps. Is it really 80Mbps, maybe not, but you can't get any faster than instant.
  6. Well as I pointed out in the previous post I do get those fast speeds when uploading small files to my webspace. If Surewest is using a small file for the upload test the results are probably correct.
  7. Just tested it out on my surewest webspace and it seems like for small files I can hit blazing speeds up to ~100Mbps. As the files get bigger the speed starts to drop. 1466672 bytes transferred. (12.8 MB/s) (109 ms) 3201363 bytes transferred. (10.8 MB/s) (281 ms) 4019793 bytes transferred. (5.83 MB/s) (657 ms) 10642240 bytes transferred. (3.29 MB/s) (00:00:03) 13131599 bytes transferred. (3.07 MB/s) (00:00:04) 17815448 bytes transferred. (3.01 MB/s) (00:00:05) 24070456 bytes transferred. (2.81 MB/s) (00:00:08) 54858072 bytes transferred. (2.60 MB/s) (00:00:20)
  8. Yeah, I seem to be consistantly getting 80Mbps upload on their new test. On their old java based test I was getting under 70Mbps. Its not just Surewest though, on the ethernic speedtests http://ns1.etheric.net/ I can also usually get a similar speed and some others are a bit high as well. For real world consistant speed over a extended period of time it usually maxes out at just under 30Mbps though. I wish I could get that speed on large downloads but its still kind of fun to see a 80Mbps (10MB/s) upload burst on my home connection. 2006-07-23 14:57:18 Speed test @ speed-eq.etheric.net 20673/69767 Kbps 2006-08-29 01:17:22 Speed test @ personal.surewest.com 21004/69767 Kbps <<< Old java based test 2006-08-29 01:19:40 Speed test @ lax.speedtest.dslextreme.com 19296/54794 Kbps
  9. Surewest just updated their speedtest to that Ookla test (flash based test) that Speakeasy also uses. http://speedtest.surewest.net/ Guess I won't need to wait long if I need to upload anything to Surewest.
  10. Is there something special about uploading (over long distances) that makes it uneffected by speed drops. Common sense tells my that whatever speed I send at I should be able to recieve it at the same speed if everything was working how it should be. Is it because I just have better international routing then the NDT server? We are both on Level3 so would that make it Level3's fault? Would it be my ISP's fault or is it a problem on their end? Could something else be to blame?
  11. I can get pretty close to my max upload speed to that Switzerland NDT, but the download speed is lacking for some reason. I have noticed this with other things (usually higher latency servers but sometimes other things) as well (my upload will be great but the download slower than it should be). Anybody have an idea what is at fault? It seems odd that only my download speed would be affected.
  12. Surewest is a Sacramento, Roseville, Elk Grove, and Carmichael, CA area ISP with limited coverage. Formerly Winfirst, Surewest bought Winfirst along with their fiber assets when they went bankrupt a few years back. They are on an Active FTTP (Active Ethernet) system (not PON like Verizon) so each customer has a 100Mbps dedicated link.
  13. Surewest 20Mbps/20Mbps package ~$90/month
  14. I just hit a new high of almost 30Mbps (3555.39Kbytes/s) on my upload speed.
  15. I like using Cabos. http://cabos.sourceforge.jp/
  16. I bought a DGL-4300 and had nothing but trouble with it so I just returned it. Instead I got a Linksys RV0041 for wired and connected a WRT54G to it for wireless. Have you tried updating you laptop wireless nic card drivers? Are you using WinXP SP2? What about falling back to an older firmware?
  17. Yeah I have seen those online but most of them are messed up or missing files. Its always nice to get it directly from the source. If thats in responce to me, they aren't doing anything about my x64 problem, those were two separate things I was talking about that happened to occur at the same time. I have been to lazy to contact microsoft about my WinXP x64 problems but I doubt they would do anything about it. A replacement copy? How would that help?
  18. First I recommend you check your bios to make sure your HDD boot order is the same as it was before you installed. If that doesn't work insert your XP CD and enter the recovery console. Type: bootcfg There will be a list of options. Type: bootcfg /rebuild (I think thats what it is called) Select your windows instalation. For ID just put: WinXP Home (or whatever you want to call it) For boot options put: /fastdetect When that is done type: Exit When your computer reboots pick whatever you named the ID in the OS loaded screen Hopefully it will boot. If it doesn't put in you XP CD again and do a repair install.
  19. Well I took some time last night to try to install WinXP x64 again and I still can't get it to boot. As soon as the windows x64 loading screen comes up I get a Stop error: 0x0000007B...... The good news is that today I got an email from Microsoft today saying I was nominated for the Vista Beta. Vista should be much more fun then messing around with WinXP Pro x64. So soon I should have a recent official build of Vista Beta to test out. And before someone asks, no I am not going to share it
  20. The whole point of an Approved Server (if you are talking about gaming server) is to improve the experiece of those who use it. Cheating the system makes a special server useless and you would be lagging everyone else. If someone else wants to help Code out to cheat the system go ahead but I am going to stay out of it. Peace, CB
  21. you can't use it for what?
  22. I think Verizon is BSing you. All phones that worked with your regular land line should work fine with VoIP. If you were not having any trouble before you got Verizon they must have messed something up when they installed. I would force them come out and fix the problem its highly unlikely that your phone has anything to do with it.
  23. Yeah your request is a bit odd. You posted this in the HELP! with Tests section. What do you need current results for? I was assuming you were trying to troubleshoot a problem with with the upload speed test but now I'm unsure...
  24. I bought it when it came out as a OEM when I was building my computer, you don't have to be an MSDN subcriber to get it. At the time I couldn't even get it to install and there were no drivers released. The situation with drivers seems to have improved so I might give it another go now. Everybody always says to dual boot 32bit and 64bit because of compatibility problems. I would lean towards not worth it unless you have CPU intensive 64bit apps to run on it. Does anybody prefer Windows XP 64bit over 32bit Windows?
  25. Here you go. Just so you know the upload test here seems to cap out at 5Mbps becaue I have a 25Mbps upload. :::.. Upload Stats ..::: Connection is:: 5073 Kbps about 5.1 Mbps (tested with 12159 kB) Upload Speed is:: 619 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net (server1) Test Time:: Sun Feb 19 2006 21:40:32 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time) Bottom Line:: 91X faster than 56K 1MB upload in 1.65 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 188.9 % faster than the average for host (surewest.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-7UYW4J3N9 :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 21109 Kbps about 21.1 Mbps (tested with 12160 kB) Download Speed is:: 2577 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net (server1) Test Time:: Sun Feb 19 2006 21:43:07 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time) Bottom Line:: 377X faster than 56K 1MB download in 0.4 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 279.86 % faster than the average for host (surewest.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-6XN9ZCI83 Why are you asking? Are you having a problem with the Upload test?
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