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Everything posted by TheHated

  1. You should call your ISP and ask them what package you got, then we'll be able to help you.
  2. The only bad thing I really see are smokes...
  3. Yup it is... http://www.bitcomet.com/
  4. We all like a different Anti-Virus because we are used to it and we like the interface and stuff.
  5. I would say ULTRA weak,
  6. Thanks, my download doesn't look too great tho...
  7. Yeah, it's alot better then cancer sticks + it's cheaper
  8. lmao...true....I guess.....thats a big sig dont you think???
  9. Both I guess.
  10. Everything is possible. All they are trying to do is protect themselves.
  11. Hi biGBluebear, and welcome to The Forum. Any Bittorent programs are slow no matter what. Trust me. What's your advertised speed ? Enjoy your stay
  12. Wow dude thats freaky crazy, shit. I would of went crazy for sure lol
  13. LoL did you know it reduces sperm count? Me would be Internet and Computers, without them I'm nothing
  14. Oh ok lol...cool
  15. What do you have now? Where you from?
  16. Which settings should I use. I have WIN98 SE.
  17. What is this topic about exactly?
  18. North America here. Canada, Quebec, Montreal.
  19. True sorry, but why isn't he posting back though, you can't really be afraid to come back on a forum right? :
  20. Wish we had speeds like this here...
  21. I've had thayt problem too, just go download the two programs FallowEarth posted and it will be gone.
  22. Why are we still talking about this though, I mean the guy never came back to see what people answered...
  23. Are those tweaked results or default?
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