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XANAVirus got a reaction from CA3LE in Middle Variance?
Great explanation, CA3LE.
Plenty of information to help me understand this. You definitely answered my question and then some.
Thanks so much!
XANAVirus reacted to CA3LE in Middle Variance?
Those colors slide down the RGB scale. Red being the worse and blue being better. Although, sometimes little variance is bad... like sometimes if you encounter a bottleneck along your route. So use your best judgment, don't always go off the color.
e.g. Say you have a 50 Mbps connection but you're scoring only 12 Mbps... BUT the TiP is showing only 5% variance. It's going to show up blue. Obviously you know that something isn't right because you're supposed to have 50 Mbps. What the test saw however is a steady transfer...
You can have a steady clean connection that is limited... just make sure to judge your result in its entirety, the color is only a hint to how steady the connection was... not an indication of if it was a good result or not.
Here's one in red that I wouldn't consider bad... 67% middle variance
... it could have done better, here's a result taken at the same time on a different device. 25% middle variance
Is either one of the above bad? I personally don't think so. But I think it's obvious which performed better. Hint: Just like in a drag race, it's usually the one that accelerated the fastest. As long as there aren't bumps in the road.
Funny story, testing at the same time were a pair of identical LG G2's. One was bogged down with programs running and the other was the better result above.
Here's the result from the bogged down phone.
Now that's a rough ride... something she had running was ruining her connection. Hint: pattern variance (like this example) is usually a major indication to an underlying issue.
She opened the task manager and closed all programs and retested...
... almost mirrored the result of the other phone. Both beat my i5s
Note: In case you didn't know. TiP is measured from 5% to 95% ... the middle of that (or 10% to 90%) is the middle. The variance within that is the middle variance. ... so a large burst or drop off at the beginning or end will not effect the middle variance.
I hope this answers your questions and then some about TiP. It's something I made up and never really explained. I guess I'm always aiming to build something that doesn't need explaining. ... I'll keep working at it.
XANAVirus got a reaction from CA3LE in Set identifiers on previously-done speed tests.
I've got an idea.
Why not let us set identifiers (like 'Home', 'Office', etc.) on our previously-done speed tests?
I just found out that you had that feature, and it would make it much easier to separate my home network results from my university results, etc.
I've already done plenty of speed tests.
I never knew about the feature previously and so all my different connections are just grouped under my results.
I can't filter them unless I choose a specific connection ID (which isn't the best of dynamic addresses like mine).
XANAVirus got a reaction from CA3LE in How to Make Your Internet Seem Faster.
The ones I use are Level 3 DNS. - resolver1.level3.net - resolver2.level3.net
At my home network, these are 30ms quicker response time than Suddenlink's DNS.
I also use these on my rooted Androids, like my GS4. It really helps to make Sprint faster (and did the same back when I had AT&T).
Response time on Sprint is 20-30ms quicker most of the time (because of the way mobile Internet works, it doesn't provide stable latency).
And, on every ISP I've used in my travels on vacation, they're always closer network-wise than the normal servers any of the ISPs I've used have (i.e. AT&T Uverse, Comcast especially, Compu Net, etc.).
I really like these servers.
XANAVirus reacted to CA3LE in Anyone know how to resize a movie?
Handbrake is awesome. Especially for quick codec conversions. Actually they do have a version for windows and even Ubuntu. Download Handbrake -- You may also want to try VirtualDub. Both are completely free.
Plus, I love this... "Put down that cocktail, your Handbreak queue is done!"
XANAVirus got a reaction from CA3LE in What happened to being able to test to a "West Coast" server?
When I went to TMN just now, in the Servers section up at the top (where you choose your testing location), the Eastern - and Western, too - servers are all gone.
Now the options are the following:
Central USA, Automatic Route, Europe, More Servers (?)
I click on More Servers to see if maybe you just moved those two I mentioned before in there, but all that's in there is just some public mrrors - the Eastern and Western servers have completely disappeared from the website.
Are they down, or did you take them off for whatever reason?
They were here yesterday, and I always use the Eastern server because it's routed closer to me (and then I sometimes test with the others to see how I compare).
XANAVirus reacted to XANAVirus in What does your username mean?
Mine refers to my favorite cartoon show, called Code Lyoko. It's from France, of all places!
The antagonist is the character named XANA, one of those never-seen characters.
The "virus" part of my username refers to XANA's 1) ability to infect computers at an alarming rate, and 2) its AI nature of its creation.
For instance, one episode, XANA infects a miltary satalite - first using the local school's antenna, then from there it infects the TV antenna, which it then takes over the satalite armed with a deadly lazer.
All this in the span of a few minutes!
XANA, the character, has a symbol, which is my avatar.
If you're into tech and anime, you'd probably like this show too.
XANAVirus got a reaction from CA3LE in What does your username mean?
Mine refers to my favorite cartoon show, called Code Lyoko. It's from France, of all places!
The antagonist is the character named XANA, one of those never-seen characters.
The "virus" part of my username refers to XANA's 1) ability to infect computers at an alarming rate, and 2) its AI nature of its creation.
For instance, one episode, XANA infects a miltary satalite - first using the local school's antenna, then from there it infects the TV antenna, which it then takes over the satalite armed with a deadly lazer.
All this in the span of a few minutes!
XANA, the character, has a symbol, which is my avatar.
If you're into tech and anime, you'd probably like this show too.
XANAVirus reacted to mudmanc4 in Sorry, I need to rant.......
Yes shooting for sport is one of the only sports I participate in. To me it's a goal to get my patterns tight , regular. At different ranges as well as conditions or devices. I've done this fairly heave for the better part of 30 years, more so as I get older. Hey, you do football or hockey, I do target shooting for entertainment.
I've been around firearms for all of my life , literally. My family owned a sporting goods store for more than one hundred years, which ended up predominantly firearms. They do not scare me , I am not worried what they may do on their own on some drunken rampage or psychotic episode. They are nothing more than stamped , pressed ground and shaped by the hands and machines of men. Inanimate objects that will sit quietly wherever left , even corrode and rust back into their carbon based core compound.
Amazingly enough, society simply needs something to blame , something to be angry with , and someone to call out, tar and feather. Even so, most people are reasonable, at the same time , many are not their true selves.
Propaganda is something much more than a poster to scare children and force their parents to react. That is old school.
Todays propaganda is much more infiltration into every aspect of the mind. Slight and subtle images in all media, television is key, so many people do what they do , then come home and sit dumbfounded in front of the tube, they are easy targets, very easy. Images can be manipulated so slightly to represent a piece of the puzzle, sounds and feelings within commercials and during the 'programming' << what 'program' do you prefer to watch ?
For instance, I sat down last night to watch a new cooking show, hey don't laugh I do all the cooking daily, and i could always use a little something new on the menu lol
I don't normally watch but at times i do, I realized how mad this whole thing really is. Soon as I sat I noticed flashes with symbols i could not recognize even paused ( lots of flashing ) , interesting the program was called 'the taste' , before breaking to commercial from the fodder it already is, the graphic is a circle with blue and red, something splashing around, and soda looking splashes around the circle, soon after the new symbol on air force one is stretched out along the right side. This all happens in just under three seconds. I played it slow several times.
Just one teensy example of programming. The wife says, ' I would have never noticed that' , no likely not, at the same time , you did see it, you just did not realize it. As these 'things' , are put together in sequences until the entire message is in your subconscious. For later use to assist in collective opinion , as thought controls the future, because thoughts lead to actions or inaction in some fashion.
How does this all play in with this topic, considering sidearms and such have been a part of the USA since it's inception, the procedures to change the status quo must be a wide based set. In other words feelings must be provoked, images that tug heart strings , worry and mostly fear of the unknown possibilities. Notice the succession of events over the last 12+ years. Think about it.
The reality is we should begin to change our thoughts, change the way we look at things, be more positive, because even when it all seems to be falling apart, everything passes. And we grow stronger from this. When has drastic measures knee jerk decisions ever been a tactical part of any long term solution.
I don't mind entertaining the latest idea's of slowing down the mass amounts of hatred in media, between sex, murder, fraud and extreme violence , the entire industry is chock full of desensitizing compounds. Sure , we can say , don''t like it , don't watch, sounds good in theory yes ? Does not work, as what we are becoming is what we are filling our thoughts with the most , right ?
Goes to say , who we surround ourselves with , shows who we are , or who we are striving to become , no ?