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I just want to say thanks for posting such a kick @#* site. I now have a new addiction :twisted: Since finding this site 2 days ago my speeds have went up a lot check it out.

::: Download Stats :::

Connection is: 239 kbps about 0 Mbps (tested with 386 KB)

Download Speed is: 29 Kb/sec

Auth Code: 2003586 (validate a http://www.testmy.net)

Bottom Line: 4 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 35 second(s)

Validation Link :: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/auth_check.cgi?num=2003586&kbps=239&gen=gen&a=1.14285714285714&b=0&c=1145.14285714286

::: Upload Stats :::

Connection is: 369 kbps about 0 Mbps (tested with 386 KB)

Upload Speed is: 45 Kb/sec

Auth Code: 255536 (validate a http://www.testmy.net)

Bottom Line: 7 times faster than 56K you can upload 1MB in 23 second(s)

Validation Link :: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/auth_check.cgi?num=255536&kbps=369&gen=gen&a=1.14285714285714&b=0&c=1145.14285714286


::: Download Stats :::

Connection is: 3481 kbps about 3 Mbps (tested with 1496 KB)

Download Speed is: 425 Kb/sec

Auth Code: 2052216 (validate a http://www.testmy.net)

Bottom Line: 62 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 2 second(s)

Validation Link :: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/auth_check.cgi?num=2052216&kbps=3481&gen=gen&a=1.71428571428571&b=0&c=1145.14285714286

::: Upload Stats :::

Connection is: 424 kbps about 0 Mbps (tested with 386 KB)

Upload Speed is: 52 Kb/sec

Auth Code: 256361 (validate a http://www.testmy.net)

Bottom Line: 8 times faster than 56K you can upload 1MB in 20 second(s)

Validation Link :: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/auth_check.cgi?num=256361&kbps=424&gen=gen&a=1.71428571428571&b=0&c=1145.14285714286

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Kind of figured I would see some more thanks for Ca3le Guy on this thread what with 68 registered users and countless guests.Whatsup everybody :?:

Don't you realize this is the best site on the web :?: Let's see some more thanks for Ca3le Guy's hard work :!:

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D I think alot of people appreciate the site but human nature is people being caught up in their own world,

for instance I have thought many times the countless hours Damon spends making this site trick.But I also think there are a fair amount of people who think the deserve ever thing they get for free.I agree ca3le guy deserves our thanks,I have thanked him in the past. But I don't think thats why he does it,Ive never asked but my guess is he really enjoys doing this stuff.I also think he makes the INTERNET community better by his efforts. So many thanks Big "D" for your service to our community.(actually its yours) ha ha

8) microwave

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ya no kidding!!! Thanks :D ! I would agree that the forums are building stength!! earlier this week we got a really sweet post about the super computer some dude was building!! It may not be related to internet but it seems to be attacting a lot of attention.

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LoL this site's tha bomb. Freakin DSLReports gives crappy ass tests which give bad results; there i get around 1400 while here i get 2Mb (ON A 1.5 LINE!) which just rocks. And yah, that guy is building a hell of a comp, by the time he's done with it he'll be yellow from all the mac + cheese.


Btw, how are you able to afford a server on the backbone anyway?! Thats gotta be INSANE for the costs.

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Naw i got a very nice deal worked out.. but i will need to get more servers in a couple months due to growth... but my ad revinue pays for the hosting 10 times over so expansion isn't a problem. I just can't wait to see what the site has grown to in 24 more months, hopefully my dream to stop working the 9-5 and focus completely on the web will come true. The numbers I have ran suggest that it is way more than likely...

I also can't wait untill MRP and I release www.tapitorslapit.com --- I am positive that will be a HUGE success... going to have to get ANOTHER mmeeeeeeaaaan COLO server for that puppy... for the population we expect we are going to need about 500+ GB of storeage for the image server........ but you guys will all see ;-) (we were going to release it in November but we decided to take the time to design it right the first time) ~~~ ehhhh maybe it will flop, but this shit is fun for me either way ~ the money is just a way to A: pay for my expenses B: hopefully get me away from my job so I can focus more on what I like to do :-D

MRP hasn't been in the forums in a long time :-/ ~~ bastard! lol

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