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his problem is that he has no idea how to set cablenut. From his post in the make it faster forum he was trying to use an ungodly 703488 RWIN,  that's like trying to force the flow from a fire hydrant through a garden hose, no wonder he was haviing problems. I Posted the correct settings. there for him. 

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lol , cablenut doesn't do anything for you and hosting. All cablenut is to look good on spedtests , lol what a waste of a program,

Actually it does wonders for hosting, especially if you host a webserver as my roomie does off of our connection, Cablenut allows us to use our full upload speed where windows defaults only allow about 1.2 mbps. Big difference when people are trying to see the images on the site.

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lol , cablenut doesn't do anything for you and hosting. All cablenut is to look good on spedtests , lol what a waste of a program,

That's odd, cause it works very well for me, and a bunch of other people I know...

When adjusted right, my webpages and downloads are much faster...

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rr really sucks i used to had verizon dsl and my speed were constast at 2.9MB but with rr they range from 100KB to 4.9MB. its not even one month i had rr and i am going back to verizon. luckily they have a special offer $29.99/mo for fios 5MB/2MB plus $50 mail in rebate and free wireless router.

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rr really sucks i used to had verizon dsl and my speed were constast at 2.9MB but with rr they range from 100KB to 4.9MB. its not even one month i had rr and i am going back to verizon. luckily they have a special offer $29.99/mo for fios 5MB/2MB plus $50 mail in rebate and free wireless router.

wat do u mean special offer.  Is it becuase u have been a verizon dsl member before?

I can only get that for 40 bux a month

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I hate road runner, I cant even host a game for more than 4 people, and even than it lags.

I had Optimum Online back in New York and i could host a 12 person game in with no lag at all and the download speed was great!

To bad now :(

Quite honestly, its probably not the service.  Are you on a router?  Can you provide a traceroute please?

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