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hey guys. i recently got a router and it made my surfing speed noticeably slower, so i came here to try to tweak my connection. i have cable, and the package is 3000 KBps downstream and 368 KBps upstream. i installed cablenut, and i used vanburen's Cable and DSL 3000 and 384. when i tested my download speed again, after i restarted my computer and powercycled my modem, it was slower than before. however, the upload speed stayed the same as it was before. help me tweak my connection :)

1. windows xp professional

2. roadrunner cable, 3000 kbs down/368 kbs up

3. cablenut with vanburens cable & dsl 3000 and 384

4. 2826 Kbps on testmy.net

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If anythign the router should boost your speed. Because routers are a relay, it keeps boosting the connection. Im using the linksys wireless b router right now (wired, of course) and get about 3.3 mb/s. When i connect directly to the modem i get about 2.9. Their realy isnt anythign worth tweaking in the router settings, unless you can find the maxMTU option, in which case you should set it to `1500. Thats about it :-x

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oh, and besides from my download speeds being a little bit slower, my browsing is a lot slower. i get many page cannot be found errors and i have to try a few times before i can get into a page. when i was on dsl with a router, my computer never acted like this. can anyone help me?

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hey guys. i recently got a router and it made my surfing speed noticeably slower, so i came here to try to tweak my connection. i have cable, and the package is 3000 Kbps downstream and 368 Kbps upstream. i installed cablenut, and i used vanburen's Cable and DSL 3000 and 384. when i tested my download speed again, after i restarted my computer and powercycled my modem, it was slower than before. however, the upload speed stayed the same as it was before. help me tweak my connection :)

1. windows xp professional

2. roadrunner cable, 3000 kbs down/368 kbs up

3. cablenut with vanburens cable & dsl 3000 and 384

4. 2826 Kbps on testmy.net

Hey deviations and welcome to the forum :)

run this test and post result URL here so i can see it.


if you have software firewall disable it during test so test can ping you

VanBuren :)

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i only have a router firewall, no software firewall, so i dont know how to fix it so i can be pinged. the test looks good to me, but sadly, its not like that =( oh, i ran speedguide.net's speed optimizer and it seemed to have made my download speed back to normal. i think the main problem now is with the web browsing. i have to try 2-3 times to visit a lot of sites.

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Lmao, invade your topic?

Anyway, you're getting well over 90% of your advertised speed from TestMy.net, so you're alright numbers wise. As for the slow browsing, is that perhaps an RWIN value issue? You could also have major packet loss at one of your first hops for some reason.

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i only have a router firewall, no software firewall, so i dont know how to fix it so i can be pinged. the test looks good to me, but sadly, its not like that =( oh, i ran speedguide.net's speed optimizer and it seemed to have made my download speed back to normal. i think the main problem now is with the web browsing. i have to try 2-3 times to visit a lot of sites.

Your high RWIN makes the browing slow, remember it dosent mean your connection is faster with that high RWIN even if speedtest shows that cos of burst.

Follow my tweakguide again, this time try the Cable & DSL 2000 384

it has a lower RWIN, but it should speedup your browsing and to compare speed you need to use the 12 MB test.


VanBuren :)

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well, i just tried your 2000 and 384 settings and the only thing i noticted was a 50 kb speed drop in the test =( i think that the reason that my browsing is slow is because of this download manager i use, internet download manager. i got it from download.com, and it had 94% positive reviews. the negative reviews stated that it caused major lag and slowdown on your computer and while browsing, so maybe thats the culprit, i uninstalled it and still my computer is slow at browsing, so maybe ill just be better off reformatting my c: and seeing it that helps.

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hey guys, i figured out what was causing my browsing to be so slow - my router. i realized it when i tried to connect with wireless on my laptop and it was even slower. i unplugged my router and now im on directly with no router, and theres no lag when browsing the internet at all. what should i do?

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like i said before Hahn, MTU is set by your ISP, thats why i suggest to use MTU detection only when running the TCP analyzer.'

When you know MSS (MSS=MTU-40) you can decide what RWIN you suppose to have.

Cos RWIN has to be multiple with your MSS for a optimized packetusage.

Unfortunely alot of ppl dosent follow the step in right order, also skip a few steps in my guide. Also mix TCP optimizer tweaks with Cablenut tweaks....

Alot of ppl with less MTU then 1500 use TCP optimizer, that force up your MTU to 1500. That only give fragmated packages and problems like above.

Also some routers set your MTU lower then your ISP, in some cases you can increase MTU in router,

If you cant, use the MTU your router use.

VanBuren :)

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