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help with router please!

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well i think its the router...anyways my problem is about every 30 minutes i get disconnected for about a minute and it will reconnect. it does this over and over as long as i am on. it also effects everything else connected to the router. it has only been happening since i got a new router any suggestions?

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well i think its the router...anyways my problem is about every 30 minutes i get disconnected for about a minute and it will reconnect. it does this over and over as long as i am on. it also effects everything else connected to the router. it has only been happening since i got a new router any suggestions?

What brand and model?

I would make sure that you dont have a 2.4ghz phone, microwave, or something else electronic around the router to begin with.  With the information I might be able to help you a little bit more.

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Are you running any Vanburen Cablenut settings with the Cablenut program?



P.S. Who is your ISP provider and do you have your router connected to your cable modem.  You might want to go to your cable modem page (type: into your browser web page address bar) and tell me what your upstream and downstream power levels are thanks.

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no i dont have any tweaks or anything and yes the router is connected to the modem...ISP is Cox 

im assuming this is what you wanted to see?


Freq/Power: 663.000 MHz 8 dBmV

Signal to Noise Ratio:  33 dB

Modulation: QAM256


Freq/Power: 25.000 MHz 46 dBmV

  Channel Type: DOCSIS 1.x (TDMA)

  Symbol Rate: 2560 kSym/sec

  Modulation: QPSK

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The Downstream Power level should be 0 to -15 your is a bit high.  You might want to put a call in to have your line modulated.  Have you checked to see if new firmware is available for your router?  Anywho, what is your ISP's advertised download and upload speeds your suppose to be getting? 

Further, You have a NIC to which your Modem and/or router is connected.  You need to find out if this is set to 10 full duplex or 100 full duplex.  Press and hold down the, " Alt" key and double click your, My Computer icon.  This should bring up the Device Manager Window.  Look at the devices listed and click on the plus sign next to the Network Adapter.  This should show you your network Card.  Double click on this device and this should open your NIC window. 

Click the Advance tap and select, Media Type and the value should be shown.  If it is set at 100Base TX full duplex try changing the setting to 10baseT full duplex.  Click, OK and restart your computer and power cycle your modem and router.  Then try your speed test again and post.



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