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So.... I have a burner now on my good PC and I cant burn any of the downloaded music because it has a copy right!!? WTF how are we supposed to make Cd's of this stuff? They say if I pay 20.96 I can burn it. Why would I waist the HD space to download if i cant burn it? any ideas? :angry5: :angry5: :angry5:

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Alot of places like walmart.com for example their music is .wma format, and you can burn it to disc only if you use Windows Media Player. They allow 10 burns off the .wma file i believe. Windows Media player will connect and validate the number of burns left then un-encrypt the file for burn then re-encrypt it. Alot of places are starting to do this. Good new is the Digital Rights Management (DRM) has been cracked, and the method is online to be found. You can also get programs that will play the file, and re-record it as it plays as a new un-encrypted file. TuneBite is one such program.

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you will have to check the music services eula how they allow files to be used. some services require you to buy a song instead of just downloading it with the subscription that lets you play all songs on the comp to burn them or even copy them to mp3 players.

the problem is that if you bypass/crack the drm, you are again in posession of an illegal file. that's why winamp changed their drm dll a while back, people were using it to play the wmf and record it directly to mp3 without converting to analog and back first.

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just put in Nero and it wont do it either it says that I don't have enough burn rights. What happened to the good old days when it was all free like sex and drugs in the 60's

there's something tht comes with nero called "Nero Burn Rights", and that made me think of it...i think it's a defauly process.

try looking through that startup tab of msconfig (start>run type msconfig)

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if the drm'ed music you are dl'ing doesn't come with the right to burn, you can't convert it, not legally. and the other way usually means decompressing recompressing, probably even decompressing, playing, digitizing, compressing, causing possibly significant quality loss and illegality of the end product.

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