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the ip address of the router is the same as the DirecWay system control page...therefore i cant bring up the router page..i have rebooted the router and unplugged the cable from the modem so i could use that ip to acess the page to try to change the ip on the router ...but for some reason the routerwont accept it after its been changed..confused yet?  LOL


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That answer means you don't have one lol.  It would tell you on the system info page.  If it says NAT IP address, that means you do NOT have a static IP.  You'll have to look up how to change your router's default IP address to something else.  Perhaps instead of

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Oh, I love D-Link stuff, Love It!

This is how you have to change the IP, go into the router and change it's IP address.  Then reboot the router.  Now click on START then RUN then type in CMD and press ENTER.  Now in the black box type in "ipconfig /release" and press ENTER.  Now type in "ipconfig /renew" and press ENTER (pay attention to the slash, it's the key that shares the ? mark. - there are two slashes on your keyboard and it does matter that you use the right one.)

Now open internet explorer and type in the new IP address of the router.


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hey guys been a while

i came into this late but was looking to kinda do the same thing

didn't he say he couldn't access his router to change the IP

I have the same problem and i did all that renew release even regesterdns

but I believe my problem comes from not rebooting both computers and router in proper order

anyways I'm Gunna go ask my question(why all of a sudden many of my fellow adelphian's

are having so much trouble with opening a new HTML page) the connections fine once it's locked down

2 seconds later it takes 2 minutes just to bring up, say... goggle

later steyr223

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the ip address of the router is the same as the DirecWay system control page...therefore i cant bring up the router page..i have rebooted the router and unplugged the cable from the modem so i could use that ip to acess the page to try to change the ip on the router ...but for some reason the routerwont accept it after its been changed..confused yet?

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  • 2 weeks later...

You will have to unplug the DW7000 from the router, and hook your router directly to your computer, then go to its setup page and follow these instructions,

Disable the built in DHCP server.

Set its LAN IP address to

Set its LAN Subnet Mask to

Set its LAN Default Gateway to

Note: Not all routers will have these settings. If yours does not you should consider purchasing either a hard wired hub or a wireless access point. Also you may loose connectivity to your router after making these changes.  If at any point you want to reset your router, most routers have a reset button on the back.  Press and hold the reset button for at least 15 seconds.  This will reset the router to its original factory settings and allow you to regain connectivity to it.

Once you do this you will have to either reboot your computer, or do what From Planet Bob. Once computer is rebooted you will want to plug your DW 7000 into one of the LAN ports, not the WAN port! This is very important, it will not work right if you plug the DW7000 into the WAN. (I have a Belkin Wireless Router, and this is according to Direcway's instructions, and I've never been able to get the DW 7000 to assign IP address if it is plugged into the WAN port while using the Belkin as a router, if I change it to a WAP, then I have to plug it into the WAN port)

Now you should be able to type in the address above and it should take you to the routers setup page, typing should still take you to the DW7000's setup page.

Good luck, hope this info helps, I had to research for it when I set mine up.

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