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Dr TCP and TCP Optimizer is very similar

Dr TCP has no setting to choose from, you have to edit them by yourself, all can be restored to default windows values, just blank out all fields and leave all options on default + click save

TCP Optimizer works for connections around and above 3 Mbps, but if you know how to use it you can also edit those values, make sure to backup your registry before you use it , cos if your ISP have a MTU not ecual to 1500 or 1492 you will have a big confict cos this program force your NIC to use that MTU, fragmated packets is a fact and slow speed.

Cablenut the most advanced tool on the net works for any connection, this is for ppl with patience and like to finetune. Cablenut Team has setups for all types of connections, and i tuned them abit and made VanBurens

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Ive used em all, DrTCP, TCPOptimizer and Vans settings......if you know waht you are doing, they all do about the same...but i have had the best luck with TCPOptimizer...


:) Exactly:):) except I change one thing different ...........I do think VanBuren"s tweak is the most versatile of them all and allows the greatest amount of fine tuning....Yep thanks VanBuren:)

8) Microwave

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