Swimmer Posted January 5, 2004 CID Share Posted January 5, 2004 I was reading an artical on pcworld and they are saying that the offical release date will be til 2006 . But there will be an offical beta version that will be released second half this year. PcWorld some how got these recommended system requirements: 800-MHz Pentium III processor 256MB of memory and a graphics card with 32MB of video RAM We all know what this means. There is now way that all of the cool options can be turned on with this type of setup. Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/107-windows-longhorn/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
lorne Posted January 6, 2004 CID Share Posted January 6, 2004 Where did I put my time machine Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/107-windows-longhorn/#findComment-785 Share on other sites More sharing options...
CA3LE Posted January 6, 2004 CID Share Posted January 6, 2004 dude you left it at my house last weekend... don't you remember ... we already got longhorn but I left my hover board at bill gates house and I think that might have put a little rip in time... really I had the copy of longhorn in my hand and I watched it change into a bag of doritos... ... LORNE... WE MESSED UP THE FUTURE MAN!!!!!!! I think Bill Gates found the hover board and was like "DUDE, this is COOOOOOL" ~~~~ then he gave up on longhorn and just played with the dope ass hover board all day. WE SHOULD HAVE JUST WAITED MAN!!!!!! Now we just have a bag of friggen doritos! Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/107-windows-longhorn/#findComment-788 Share on other sites More sharing options...
lorne Posted January 6, 2004 CID Share Posted January 6, 2004 Sweet you waxed it Doritos suck Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/107-windows-longhorn/#findComment-795 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Swimmer Posted January 6, 2004 Author CID Share Posted January 6, 2004 haha Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/107-windows-longhorn/#findComment-806 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mortiorchis Posted January 6, 2004 CID Share Posted January 6, 2004 Longhorn ...the spawn of satan...the next OS that will be available which will force everybody to register their components and software with microsoft servers to allow use and to prevent piracy, and if there is pirated software you're screwed (Legaly). Also, rumors say that longhorn will be implemented on certain servers that allow use only by authenticated pc's which are using non-pirated/warezed software. BigBrother ohh how I love thou... Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/107-windows-longhorn/#findComment-809 Share on other sites More sharing options...
MICROWAVE Posted January 6, 2004 CID Share Posted January 6, 2004 x Yeah, The time has come for Microsoft to TRY to stop whatever.I think we are just at the beginning,it will some day have to play out in the courts, (Piratecy...etc) they just may be trying to piss on my leg and tell me its raining.People may go back using older versions or some new free OS may be offered. It will be interesting to watch. I would like to see the courts say something like you bought it its yours you can copy put on several machines etc. as long as it wasn't sold for profit. Well maybe its just a pipe dream (not a crack pipe)ha ha microwave Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/107-windows-longhorn/#findComment-810 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Swimmer Posted January 7, 2004 Author CID Share Posted January 7, 2004 That is a good point!!! Personaly if microsoft wants to see what is on my computer and everything else they can just shove that stupid windows logo up their ass. I would then go open source. Although i read some where that M$ was trying to buy out Suse??! Either way open source and linux have come a long way in the past few years. Now you have Lindows!!! the cheap version of windows. O well we will just have to wait and see. Knowing our luck some stupid ass group like RIAA will show up and begin the hopeless persute of stopping illegal activies. Maybe it will be like GMMM(Give Me More Money). Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/107-windows-longhorn/#findComment-819 Share on other sites More sharing options...
CA3LE Posted January 7, 2004 CID Share Posted January 7, 2004 No worries about any of that shit.. it is and will always be an on going battle... the funny thing is that there are no sides... most of the people that push the pirated software are friggen software engineers that leak information or get fired. They will implement "NEW" ways to stop piracy, but the warez groups will just find new ways around them... EVERY SINGLE PROGRAM IN THE WORLD is hackable... ... EVERYONE! ... all they have to do to get around server authentication is tell the program to ... NOT AUTHENTICATE . Software is math.. adn all math has something on the other side of the equal sign. Microsoft only wants to make it harder for the 'end' user to pirate. ~~ unless they were to make the software run on their end (over the lines) there will always be a way for people to manipulate the software to get it to do what they want... ... no matter WHAT, I don't care what ANYONE says... if it is on your computer....... you hold ALL the cards! Microsfot and "ADOBE" for instance, don't care about piracy as much as they lead us to think . They make the greater sum of their profits off of companies. Although they would love to make a perfect system... but you know what?!? IMPOSSIBLE! Now I can understand their concern in Singapore, where 98% of all software is pirated... that is kinda a cause for concern... But if we get tired of jewing them out of their software we can always go to our Linux buddies... or invent a new open source......... by the way, someone needs to make a BOLD ass move on Microsofts turf... that would rule! I want a totally revilutionary OS... when are we going to have that 3D OS crap we have seen in movies?!? And where the fuck are the hover cars, IT'S 2004 PEOPLE... I WANNA FLY ALREADY! hahahhaha Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/107-windows-longhorn/#findComment-831 Share on other sites More sharing options...
CA3LE Posted January 7, 2004 CID Share Posted January 7, 2004 by the way.. FUCK THE IRAA... you know all the fuckers that work there are running pirate copies of photoshop at home.. and are downloading "metallica - king nothing.mp3" off kazaa as we type. Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/107-windows-longhorn/#findComment-832 Share on other sites More sharing options...
lorne Posted January 7, 2004 CID Share Posted January 7, 2004 Hover Car This is the primary family vehicle, it comes in a variety of different shapes and forms, some being faster others being capable of carrying more people or cargo. File: [GVD] Vehicle Class: Hover Car Vehicle Type: Standard family model Tech Level: 13 Size: 196.61 cubic feet Mass: 0.5 tons empty, 0.8 tons fully loaded. Cost: $40,000 Crew: One, plus room for up to four passengers Cargo: 20 cubic feet. Armour: Overall - (PD 4, DR 20, metal) Armament: None Power System: 16.23 kW solar cell array and four rechargeable E cells Propulsion: Vectored 2,000 lb super reactionless thruster and a contragravity generator. Performance: Hovering - 175 mph at 2 feet, 5 mph/s acceleration, 22 mph/s deceleration; Flying - 385 mph, 25 mph/s acceleration, 22 mph/s deceleration; Space - 27.38 mph/s acceleration (1.25 G's). Average endurance is 8 hours. There it is haha ha Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/107-windows-longhorn/#findComment-834 Share on other sites More sharing options...
MICROWAVE Posted January 7, 2004 CID Share Posted January 7, 2004 No shit,Damon hit the nail on the head.Man makes it,man breaks it, man figures out how to "cheat it.I did hear something about asus being merged but ya hear that kind of stuff all the time.Recently I had a 3 1/4 floppy that had a OS on it the idea being you could go to any PC and use the disk to surf I only used once and the PC ate the disk and I cant remember where I got it(pretty lame)But thats the kind of thinking that will kick ass. Ca3le guy is right its all political BS from microshaft.Scare tactic's,but I still like the OS I guess cause I'm familiar with it. microwave Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/107-windows-longhorn/#findComment-838 Share on other sites More sharing options...
CA3LE Posted January 7, 2004 CID Share Posted January 7, 2004 Hover Car This is the primary family vehicle, it comes in a variety of different shapes and forms, some being faster others being capable of carrying more people or cargo. File: [GVD] Vehicle Class: Hover Car Vehicle Type: Standard family model Tech Level: 13 Size: 196.61 cubic feet Mass: 0.5 tons empty, 0.8 tons fully loaded. Cost: $40,000 Crew: One, plus room for up to four passengers Cargo: 20 cubic feet. Armour: Overall - (PD 4, DR 20, metal) Armament: None Power System: 16.23 kW solar cell array and four rechargeable E cells Propulsion: Vectored 2,000 lb super reactionless thruster and a contragravity generator. Performance: Hovering - 175 mph at 2 feet, 5 mph/s acceleration, 22 mph/s deceleration; Flying - 385 mph, 25 mph/s acceleration, 22 mph/s deceleration; Space - 27.38 mph/s acceleration (1.25 G's). Average endurance is 8 hours. There it is haha ha By they are supposed to be all over the place.... I know they have been made. That's okay, because I would rather have an old muscle car anyway Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/107-windows-longhorn/#findComment-874 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Swimmer Posted January 7, 2004 Author CID Share Posted January 7, 2004 lol yeah you are most likely right Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/107-windows-longhorn/#findComment-876 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mortiorchis Posted January 7, 2004 CID Share Posted January 7, 2004 Lol! Check out the Paladium chip if you want more info on that crap. It's going to be used in conjunction with Longhorn for the GREATEST level of security possible, an Onboard chip on your mobo which can't be hacked "supposedly" due to it being a non-rewritable flash. That's the point where WinXP Pro is as far as I go, due to the fact that I'm not paying 700$ for PS7, 7000$ for maya Pro, and god only knows how much for Bryce. Ohh and Ca3le, if you find the latest version of Kazaa Lite K++, you can change your host, so I use the following details: example: Normally it's Kazaalite@kazaa Mine: [email protected] RIAA can kiss my ass Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/107-windows-longhorn/#findComment-895 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Swimmer Posted January 7, 2004 Author CID Share Posted January 7, 2004 Go Mort!!! [email protected] i am liking that! Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/107-windows-longhorn/#findComment-897 Share on other sites More sharing options...
CA3LE Posted January 8, 2004 CID Share Posted January 8, 2004 then people will just pull out the solder and gun and MOD their computers... there is NOTHING they can do to stop it... 'cept hold a gun to our heads... and some people would still try Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/107-windows-longhorn/#findComment-903 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Swimmer Posted January 8, 2004 Author CID Share Posted January 8, 2004 Also you will see the "hardcore" system builder stop buying asus, gigabite,.... Eventually they will figure out that helping microsoft sucks and if microsoft wants that dumbass chip they need to get into the mobo making market. In which i think that they will get raped!!! Hey, Does anyone have one of those microsoft networks??? I would love to know what you think about it. Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/107-windows-longhorn/#findComment-904 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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