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need some help please. Got on the Internet couple of days ago and noticed I did not have the 2nd line of my top tool bar, This ids the one that has file, view,tools,etc. I have asked on other forums and got nowhere. I don't think it is just hid, I have tried all the normal things to get it back but nothing works. Any Ideas.

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need some help please. Got on the Internet couple of days ago and noticed I did not have the 2nd line of my top tool bar' date=' This ids the one that has file, view,tools,etc. I have asked on other forums and got nowhere. I don't think it is just hid, I have tried all the normal things to get it back but nothing works. Any Ideas.[/quote']

hey trekker and welcome to the forum :)

dont know if this help you, i have a swedish version

right click on the toolbar you have and get this menue and check what you like to show.

VanBuren :)

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First i want to say hello to everyone I love this site and just registered. - to help with your question: try going to "view" at top of address bar and make sure everything is clicked except cusomize. if that doesnt work right click on internet explorer then properties and then if you want your channel bar make sure that is checked - also try dragging what bar you see to another part of your screen (you can have your toolbar on the side top or bottom of screen) and see if that "unsticks it" and then try pulling the bar open by dragging it put your cursor on the bottom edge left click and drag it.

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thats just it budbem I don't have the line that has view, tools,file etc. on the page so I can't click on it. Thats my problem. That line is missing. The only thing I can drag is the whole window. Nothing happens when I click on the line that has the back & forward arrows and home page icon, etc. Also when I put my arrow over the icons they don't say what they are suppose to say. Example: I put my arrow on the refresh button and it says; encoding, on the stop icon it says; paste everything is really screwed up

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what has happened is that the part of your view on the toolbar has been moved and then locked - on the view toolbar dropdown there is an option to "lock" it so you cant move or drag it. hit f11 does view com up? if so then go to it view- toolbar- uncheck lock the toolbar

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i would repair Internet explorer like JustinOhioRR was saying

and if that doesnt work, you can reinstall windows if you want, or could switch to FireFox or something

oh, and im not sure if this will work, but you can try and download this thing called Maxthonhttp://www.maxthon.com/en/index.htm

its basically a souped up internet explorer

IE alone is like a civc....with maxthon its kinda more like a civic with bodykit, xhaust system, and multiple seat position buttons

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http://www.jsiinc.com/SUBQ/tip8100/rh8134.htm This link just may fix your problem, which is primarily just a messed up section in your registry. (Or, if you have a backup of your registry you could try a restore first).

On that website, you'll find this ...to save you some time:


If you have a missing menu bar, or toolbar, in Internet Explorer, or Windows Explorer, it is generally caused by a corrupt ITBarLayout Value Name, in one of the sub-keys of the Toolbar registry key.

I have scripted ITBarLayout.bat to resolve the problem:

1. Copy / Paste the following to Notepad, and save it as ITBarLayout.bat into a folder in your path:

@echo off


if /i {%1}=={I} set param=WebBrowser&goto del

if /i {%1}=={W} set param=Explorer&goto del

if /i {%1}=={S} set param=ShellBrowser&goto del


@echo Syntax: ITBarLayout I ^| W ^| S

goto :EOF



@echo REGEDIT4


@echo [HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerToolbar%param%]

@echo "ITBarLayout"=-

) >"%TEMP%ITBarLayout.reg"

regedit /s "%TEMP%ITBarLayout.reg"

del /q "%TEMP%ITBarLayout.reg"


2. Close all open instances of Windows Explorer AND Internet Explorer.

3. Open a CMD.EXE window.

4. Type ITBarLayout x, where x is I if Internet Explorer has the problem, or W if Windows Explorer has the problem. If both have the problem, run the command twice.

5. Open the 'fixed' application.

6. If the problem persists, close the 'fixed' application and type ITBarLayout S.

*This restores all of the DEFAULT settings! You cannot just reload IE6 because it will NOT overwrite your registry settings for that part of the program. If you have customized any of it, then it is 'locked down'. Only a reformat would allow you to "clean start" ...and we don't want that! I'll keep searching MSN for Menu Bar related problems. If it has happened to you, then there must be another one posted somewhere! :) When Australia wakes up I'll IM a guru there that I am fairly sure can nail this for ya.


If that doesn't work just let us know ....somebody is bound to find your solution ....we NEVER give up! (usually).


The Reverend

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trust me, just switch to firefox. something to think about in terms of firefox:

i almost never have to click anything anymore because all i have to do is use mouse gestures, which allow me to draw some lines to do stuff, like switch tabs, minmize firefox, open a new tab, back, forward, stop, etc.

firefox, unlike ie, allows third-party plug-ins, like foxytunes, which lets u control most media players from firefox, (control meaning, play, next track, stop, etc.), or forecastfox, which allows ur city's current weather to display on your screen, or gmail notifier, for those with gmail, can log in to ur gmail account and display if u have any new messages. :D theres also a real-time bandwidth tester to check how fast ur dl speed is at all times, but not sure how accurate it is as i havent dl'ed it yet

lol, just forget ie, ull be much happier without :)

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What is this this is what I got when i was testing my download.

ERROR :: 337 :: Sorry but 197696 Kbps is too high. Our test cap is currently set at 90000 Kbps. This does not necessarily mean you have an awesome connection... this most likely means that...

**Somehow the test is in your browser cache

** You clicked <back> and are now getting ERROR results

TestMy.net has filters in place to weed out bad results. You should RE-TEST and try to get an accurate reading.

If you get this often try to not click back. :)

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