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Is there any programs out their that tweak your XP settings? Im on a celery 600 w/256 ram, and it runs decent, but im sure there is a way to make it run faster!!


you can setup XP for performance if you right click on this computer, choose properties, advanced

click settings in performance box, now choose best performance

VanBuren :)

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You cant ever use all 256 of your ram. if you get in the 20mb free zone, windows will unload all your programs and free up your ram. But if you have 512 or more, you can save all those files in your ram, hence, faster access. Windows itself takes up around 280mb ram without unloading anything. And that is if you dont have alot of programs running at startup. I dont know how to easier explain it, but I know it will make a difference.

As for the transparent bar, its something wrong with windows where is fades it. I dont know why and i dont know how to disable it

And finally, doing as Vanburen said will make your windows faster. If you look carefully at the boxes, the only thing you really need is the Windows xp theme (which doesnt take up more ram than the classic skin) so thats the only thing you should have checked. All those other options are not needed. They will made your menu look like its coming out of your mouse, and it will load slower. To me, it doesnt make a difference if it fades or whatever, it just has to load fast.

Edit : Damn Van had to post before me :P

Yes, your CPU matters too, but I dont think you'd be willing to change that?

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thanks, the transperency thing fixed it, i just disabled transparency, THANKS!

and yes, id be willing to put a faster CPU in, if i knew what my board could handle!!

I know it has a P2 input and a celeron input, can i run both of those at the same time? cuz i have a P2 350 sittin around! Thanks!

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Search for < Kelly's Corner > using Google for tons of XP Tweaks.

Strongly consider purchasing XP Smoker from www.xp-smoker.com (It made my machine fly like the wind so it is now in all our machines).

Kicking your memory up to (at least) 1gig makes a fantastic difference (I'm maxed out at 4gigs of Corsair Xtreme 400MHz DDR with blazing machine speed ...wish I could say that for my Internet connection)! ...I'm using DirecWay (ugh).

Your System Services ...there are prolly many of them that are running and therefore draining off resources for no good reason. (Like Indexing ...it's worthless and disabling it is the best thing I ever did for my machine (XP Pro). Go to www.blackviper.com and snoop around for his recommendations on which ones to disable or otherwise "adjust" for maximum speed and minimal drain on resources. (At the time of this writing I was unable to bring up his website, so he's prolly making a few changes). He has the optimal settings for both SP1 and SP2 machines ...and the site also lists what each and every Service is for and why ...you'll love it. XP defaults with as many as 80 (roughly) System Services running. Most people only need 8 - 10! Well worth checking out for sure....

Hope this helps! Say ...remember to back up your Registry before making any tweaks to it ...JUST IN CASE! Better safe than sorry right?


The Reverend

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Well thats my PC anyway where I do all the main things like test and yes its very slow and bad sometimes, but other times I dont even notice it going that slow, but it would help if I had at least 512 ram.ON my laptop I have 384mb ram and is a P4 2.8Ghz, so basically the laptop out does my PC lol(supposed to be the opposite) lol

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I neglected to state in my last post that Microsoft strongly recommends having 512MB (minimal) of RAM (DDR) in order for XP to run properly. (It will run with less but you are "dragging" because your O/S is using your HDD in place of "missing memory").

On my daughter's machine, her system speed doubled when I pulled the 512 'stick' out and replaced it with a 1gig DDR 'stick'.

Memory is really "everything" IMHO ...especially with the more memory intensive programs that are hitting the shelves (to include memory intensive O/S's for that matter)! *It really pays to buy QUALITY memory too. (Lifetime Warranty only)!

The only reason I am running 4gigs of DDR is because I am using Maya Unlimited ...and that danged program will eat up as much memory as you wish to feed it! Otherwise, 512MB is good, 1'gig' is better, and 2'gigs' of DDR will handle about any "normal" XP function "in style!"


LATE ENTRY!!!!!!!! Like the man just said, unless you are running an old-timer 166MHz machine your CPU speed and amount of RAM/DDR doesn't really have a profound effect on your Internet connection speed. However, (of course), if your machine is geared "to rock", it will certainly interface with online stuff (like Java) far faster and thus it could be said that a faster machine will yield a faster "Internet Experience" ...but not necessarily a faster connection. (Like: If you have a 56k modem that sucker is STILL gonna be 56k no matter what CPU is in your box or how much mem you have right)?

I graciously thank you for the kudo's with regard to my setup. She's my baby. These newer motherboards with 800FSB, 400MHz memory and all the good stuff surely do make for a pleasurable experience! Mega-bucks yes, but to me worth every penny. Just to give you an idea of what she'll do, it can load XP Pro (from scratch) in about 12 minutes (add 5 minutes to get the stupid Product Activation Code). Presently I have 56 Running Processes yet I can't tell they are even there. She can be defragging, scanning for viruses and rendering and STILL have plenty of *ss to surf plus do more multi-tasking ...like copying DVDs from the twin TDK "burners" I just put in. "BIG BOY TOYS!" lol...

Okay ...that about exhausts my bragging rights ( knock on wood she runs like a dream)!


PS: In an earlier post I mentioned Kelly's Corner with regard to tweaking XP (which is a MUST DO)! Sorry, I mis-spelled it ..it's Korner, so here's the addy for the XP (and windows) tweaking site that I always recommend along with www.blackviper.com (for System Services tweaks that'll get you running at top speed by freeing up needless XP Services).



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Hey The Reverend all I wanna say is that your computer is off the hook lol I think the way u have it setup with all those parts is mind boggling D

BTW does a faster computer=faster internet connection? Like if I had a faster processor and more ram would my connection speed up, or does that depend on your ethernet card?

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Hey The Reverend all I wanna say is that your computer is off the hook :lol: I think the way u have it setup with all those parts is mind boggling :D

BTW does a faster computer=faster internet connection? Like if I had a faster processor and more ram would my connection speed up, or does that depend on your ethernet card?


Like the man just said, unless you are running an old-timer 166MHz machine your CPU speed and amount of RAM/DDR doesn't really have a profound effect on your Internet connection speed. However, (of course), if your machine is geared "to rock", it will certainly interface with online stuff (like Java) far faster and thus it could be said that a faster machine will yield a faster "Internet Experience" ...but not necessarily a faster connection. (Like: If you have a 56k modem that sucker is STILL gonna be 56k no matter what CPU is in your box or how much mem you have right)?

I graciously thank you for the kudo's with regard to my setup. She's my baby. These newer motheboards with 800FSB, 400MHz memory and all the good stuff surely do make for a pleasurable experience! Mega-bucks yes, but to me worth every penny. Just to give you an idea of what she'll do, it can load XP Pro (from scratch) in about 12 minutes (add 5 minutes to get the stupid Product Activation Code). Presently I have 56 Running Processes yet I can't tell they are even there. She can be defragging, scanning for viruses and rendering and STILL have plenty of *ss to surf plus do more multi-tasking ...like copying DVDs from the twin TDK "burners" I just put in. "BIG BOY TOYS!" lol...

Okay ...that about exhausts my bragging rights (knock on wood she runs like a dream)!


PS: In an earlier post I mentioned Kelly's Corner with regard to tweaking XP (which is a MUST DO)! Sorry, I mis-spelled it ..it's Korner, so here's the addy for the XP (and windows) tweaking site that I always recommend along with www.blackviper.com (for System Services tweaks that'll get you running at top speed by freeing up needless XP Services).



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My computer may not be god's computer but Its enough for me.

2.2Ghz pentium 4

640MB DDR (at 330mhz)

40 gig internal space + 80 external

64MB interegrated graphics (bleh!)

Windows XP Home

A 3/768 ADSL connection

I can run most (if not all) of the newer games. So far the newest one i got was Need for speed underground 2 and it runs pretty smooth. I would buy a newer graphics card, but as im underage, i cannot work. I cant get a penny out of my parents either so yea.

Rev, you have a devil on a box man. Although, id like to comment on one thing. On my computer, im able to do all those things that you are (ex: burn cd, download, browse, etc.) at the same time except for Maya (as i dont know what that is). It may not go as fast as your speeder, but i am capable of doing that.

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