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So you buy a 2.8+GHz and it operates as a 2.8+GHz but is clocked as a 1.6MHz......So why is it not clocked at the speed u bought, and operate at the speed u bought?

Well mainly to keep voltage and heat output down. Any overclocker in here can tell you that the athlon cores run pretty toasty as is. Now it's nowhere near as hot as a prescott core P4 but they still put out some heat. My brother has a Athlon 3400+ with a XP-90 cooler and it runs well up into the 60 degree celsius range with no overclocking.

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i knew when i bought the amd that it would be faster, but to Jamaicarocks AMD is not advertising( like my 2800) that cpu to be a 2.8 GHz cpu, its a 2800 that would compete and perfprm a little better than the P4 2.8. now if it was called the amd 2.8, it would have to be clocked at 2.8, instead of 2.1

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So you buy a 2.8+GHz and it operates as a 2.8+GHz but is clocked as a 1.6MHz......So why is it not clocked at the speed u bought, and operate at the speed u bought?

ok amd will allways be slower in the clock speed then intel's but scines amd makes there chips diffrent they can handle the same prosses as there  intel counter parts ok look at it this way

intel makes a chip and calles it a 3.2 ghz bla bla amd amd makes a 2.0 ghz wich prosser will you buy? the intel right but you see amd markets there chips buy the intel's standers and says a 3200+ chip but its only really clocked at 2 ghz its really the way they make there chips  sorry about the spelling

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Well mainly to keep voltage and heat output down. Any overclocker in here can tell you that the athlon cores run pretty toasty as is. Now it's nowhere near as hot as a prescott core P4 but they still put out some heat. My brother has a Athlon 3400+ with a XP-90 cooler and it runs well up into the 60 degree celsius range with no overclocking.

did he oc cuz thats really hot for a stock clock

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different conditions, different cases, different designs, different fans - that all plays a roll - just a hint to people who buy amd processor - look at the actual mhz before buying the processor ;)

hell...my processor was around 250 dollars and stock it only operates at 2.2 - but its much faster than its competitor intel processors

people; don't get bogged down too much on why a 2600+ amd doesnt operate at 2.6 - just understand it is different achitecture, it has nothing to do with the fact that it will run hot at 2.6, absolutely nothing....just different architecture

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