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) hAVE GOOD COPY OF reg~~~~~lorne


The forward buffer memory controls how much RAM TCP/IP uses for storing packet data in the router packet queue..........

Each packet queue data buffer is 256 byte long. So,the thing is, if you choose to set this registry key, the number you specify must be a multiple of 256. The default value is 74,240, which will accommodate 50 1,480-byte packets.

To set the number of packet queue data buffers, create a registry key called ForwardBufferMemory beneath



The key must be a DWORD value that's assigned the number of bytes of memory you want to allocate. The minimum value must never be smaller than your MTU size. Therefore, if your MTU size is 1,454, your minimum ForwardBufferMemory size would also be 1,454. The maximum size is 0xFFFFFFFF. Howeverkeeping the value at a reasonable size.

This is something that can whack your shiz bad CAUTION!! ) But I think you got it under control....Think good Regestry copy~~

8) microwave

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I want to do a " Forward Buffer Memory Tweek " but I don't know what the dword is supposed to be ?

" Forward Buffer Memory"=dword00024a00

Can somebody tell me what it is supposed to be ?

lorne is that hexadec or dec Im guessing hexadecimal?

see other reply.

microwave 8)

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Thats a good question!

Well my understanding is dec is plain old English, ya know 1.00 etc.

and hexadec is for scientific measurement IE computers mathematicians and such.Now if thats not exactly right someone will see my remarks and fix them or tell me I'm full of sh!@# or something.But basically thats how I understand it.

8) microwave

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Oh hexadecial AKA 'HEX'... It's all mathematics brotha!

That is number representation using the digits 0-9, with their usual meaning, plus the letters A-F (or a-f) to represent hexadecimal digits with values of (decimal) 10 to 15. The right-most digit counts

ones, the next counts multiples of 16, then 16^2 = 256, etc.

For example, hexadecimal BEAD is decimal 48813:

digit weight value

B = 11 16^3 = 4096 11*4096 = 45056

E = 14 16^2 = 256 14* 256 = 3584

A = 10 16^1 = 16 10* 16 = 160

D = 13 16^0 = 1 13* 1 = 13


BEAD = 48813

There are many conventions for distinguishing hexadecimal numbers from decimal or other bases in programs. In {C} for example, the prefix "0x" is used, e.g. 0x694A11.

If you need conversion go to start>run> "calc" > view > scientific ... then there will be a HEX button on your windows calculator ;)

Math is a bitch

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Thanks I think anyone who has never seen those tables will get a kick out of a zero in binary being 00000000 and a one being 00000001, makes sense to me ha ha, the first time I saw that I was thinking what the !@#$%%^ is this all about!! but its all being used in our daily lives were just not always aware of it.

8) microwave

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